The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2404 Fighting Together

Chapter 2404 Fighting Together
Guo Rou nodded.

Gongsun Yu refused without thinking, "No way!"

"Why not?" Guo Rou was always in a hurry, she immediately stared at Gongsunyu with her beautiful eyes, "Gongsunyu, do you still think I am a college student who doesn't know anything? Don't forget , I have performed several missions with the companions of the Snow Wolf Brigade! Now I have improved a lot compared to before, and you praised me before!"

Gongsun Yu frowned, "Xiaorou, listen to me, other tasks are life-threatening, but that treasure land... those people have a map, and now they are all missing. You don't have a map, and you are wandering around, then The danger is even more unimaginable! You may even... never return!"

"Who said they don't know the map, Gu Yan found another map!" Guo Rou raised her chin and continued, "Yu Gong, Lu Ye and Bai Changle are all my companions, and Yu Si is also my relative. Not to mention, Gu Yanqing and I are the same sisters. The me now is not the irritable Guo Rou three years ago, and Gongsun Yu, you have also noticed my progress over the years?"

Gongsun Yu looked at the light in his wife's eyes, sighed faintly, and said, "Xiao Rou, I am more worried about the safety of Lu Ye and Bai Changle than you are, but you are currently serving as a Star Warrior, so you need to listen to the leadership." order. However, I do not agree with you to go, but I can go for you."

Guo Rou was stunned.

She did not expect that Gongsun Yu would answer this way.

It is true that Gongsunyu and Lu Yebai Changle have fought side by side for many years, even though Gongsunyu has retired from the Snow Wolf Brigade now, if he can help his companions, he is willing to define himself.

But Gongsun Yu is still worried about Guo Rou, so he doesn't want her to take this risk.

Leaving aside whether the map that Gu Yan obtained is real or not, Lu Ye and Bai Changle were able to fold in the treasure trip alone, so it can be seen that it is basically a dead end that is difficult to solve.

Gongsun Yu would rather die by himself than Guo Rou in any danger.

The two have been together for many years, no matter how carefree Guo Rou is, she instantly understood Gongsun Yu's words.

She directly held Gongsun Yu's face with her hand, and said with a sip, "Comrade Gongsun Yu, while you are so worried about me, have you forgotten that I am your wife, and I will also be very worried about you?"


Gongsun Yu hugged his wife tightly.

After a while, Guo Rou whispered in his ear, "Comrade Gongsunyu, do you know what I was thinking when you gave me special training?"

It is rare for a wife to have such a sentimental side, especially Guo Rou's enthusiasm, which sprayed into Gongsun Yu's ears.

Gongsun Yu felt a little itchy in his heart.

With his hand still on Guo Rou's waist, he asked absently, "What are you thinking?"

"I hope that one day, the two of us can fight side by side."

Gongsun Yu was taken aback.

Guo Rou raised her head, looked at Gongsun Yu seriously, and said slowly, "I saw Gu Yan working so hard before, even if she worked very hard, she didn't cry tired. I asked her why she worked so hard. Said that she hopes to stand beside Lu Ye with a perfect posture, fight side by side with him, and conquer the stars and seas with him!"


"Gongsunyu, I also want to fight side by side with you." Guo Rou looked at Gongsunyu with burning eyes, "For our comrades in arms, for our friends, let's fight side by side, let's conquer the stars and the sea together!"

(End of this chapter)

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