Chapter 2414 Still so boring
Cang Lan coldly refused, "No."

Helen: ...

In fact, Helen is just teasing Cang Lan. Before watching Cang Lan circle around Shen Xiyan, willing to be her shadow, Helen often teases Cang Lan like this.

Unexpectedly, meeting this man again after years of absence is still so boring.

It may be because the other party has always loved Shen Xiyan deeply, so Helen didn't think much about it.

Seeing that teasing Canglan was meaningless, Helen said, "That's fine, I can get off work early today, so let's go back together."


Gu Yan saw that Cang Lan and the woman left their positions and walked outside, and she and Wen Lan also followed.

After the disbandment of the Black Angels, Helen worked as a wine girl in a bar. Although she was over 30, but because of her cheerful temperament and hot body, she was able to do a job with ease.

But because the destruction of the black angel was so sudden, when Helen took Shen Jiayao away, she had no money, and the money she earned in the bar was not stable, one day more, one day less, so she temporarily took Shen Jiayao to live in a Chaotic neighborhood.

Although the environment here is very poor, and the personnel are chaotic.

But the rent is cheap.

In addition, Helen had been in the Black Angel before, so she didn't pay much attention to ordinary punks.

The most important thing is that Helen, like other Black Angel survivors, is quite afraid of hidden revenge, so this kind of place where fish and dragons are mixed is also very suitable for her to hide.

As for the death of the black angel Pandora, Helen didn't know about it.

Only before Lucifer lost contact with the hidden people, he told Beru and others about it.

Helen walked in front with Cang Lan, and Gu Yan and Wen Lan followed behind.

Both of them were from Star Warriors, and there were a lot of people here, so I didn't worry about being exposed.

Gu Yan and Wen Lan are both Niar women, and they are both beautiful, tall and in good shape.

It quickly attracted the attention of many men.

It's chaotic here, so there are not many people like this.

After a while, a man came over to strike up a conversation.

If it is light, just drive it away.

But there are also those who are really short-sighted.

A tall man with tattoos all over his arms, about 30 years old, with four or five younger brothers, his face is full of color.

The tattooed man suddenly stretched out his hand, blocking the way of Gu Yan and the two of them.

"Beauty, come to play with me?" While talking, his eyes swept across Gu Yan and Wen Lan unscrupulously.

He also licked the corner of his mouth disgustingly.

Gu Yan and Wen Lan looked at each other.

If there is too much commotion here, it will definitely alert Helen in front, but if they go to other places to solve it, it must be resolved quickly.

Thinking of this, Gu Yan suddenly smiled at the bearded man, and then said, "Why don't we go there?"

With Gu Yan's slender, fair fingers, she pointed to the corner alley next to her.

You know, it's very secluded there, especially secretive.

When the tattooed man heard this, his eyes lit up, and the smile on his face deepened. He rubbed his hands together, looking impatient.


Three minutes later, Gu Yan and Wen Lan patted the ashes on their hands, and then continued to walk towards the corner where Cang Lan and Helen disappeared just now.

As for the tattooed man and his younger brothers, a group of people were lying on the ground and humming, everyone was bruised and swollen, their heads were dazed, and they were in a panic.

Ten minutes later, Gu Yan and Wen Lan caught up with Cang Lan and Helen and saw them go upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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