Chapter 2416

Xiao Sheng and this Shen Jiayao are both Lei Qing's children.

It seems that these two children are very smart.

However, because of the different growth environments, different growth environments have different effects on children's personalities.

Gu Yan knew that although Xiao Sheng was very young, he had a lot of ideas. Fortunately, Xiao Sheng has not grown crooked over the years. The Bai family has treated him very well over the years.

Although Gu Yan didn't grow up with Xiao Sheng, she never ignored Xiao Sheng's education.

But this Shen Jiayao, who doesn't care about her father or mother, now follows this Helen. Although Helen treats her fairly well, she has to be busy with life after all, and always neglects the growth of the child.

Gu Yan remembered in her previous life that many left-behind children, because their parents were not around all year round and lacked love and care, some children's personalities became a little extreme.

Of course, this is an individual phenomenon.

Shen Jiayao is like this at present.

Looking at the scene just now, this girl is often bullied by that fat girl, her eyes are full of haze at such a young age.

Gu Yan and Wen Lan helped her just now, but she didn't thank her at all, and because she was afraid of the fat girl going to rescue the soldiers, she ran away immediately.

Gu Yan raised her head and said, "Let's go, let's go there."


Here, Helen had just brought Cang Lan home, and then she saw Shen Jiayao running in from outside with a panicked and angry face.

Shen Jiayao knew Cang Lan, and knew that this man had been following her mother, so the moment she saw Cang Lan, her whole body's vigilance subsided a little.

On the contrary, Helen looked at her ruffled hair, frowned and asked, "Yaoyao, have you been bullied again?"

"En." Shen Jiayao nodded, but then, she turned her hopeful eyes to Cang Lan.

She asked, "Uncle Ying, did you take me to find my mother?"

Cang Lan's mood suddenly became a little complicated.

He had always been nice to Shen Jiayao before.

Although Shen Xiyan gave birth to Lei Qing's child, what Shen Xiyan told Cang Lan was that she had Shen Jiayao because she was drunk that time.

Cang Lan said to Shen Xiyan at the time, let's raise this child together.

Of course, Shen Xiyan didn't even bother to deceive Cang Lan later.

Today is not what it used to be.

Cang Lan no longer loves Shen Xiyan, and can no longer love Wu Jiwu, but Shen Xiyan died in his hands after all, so Cang Lan still feels a little guilty towards this girl.

In his eyes, there was a rare flash of tenderness.

Cang Lan shook her head and said apologetically, "No."

The hope in Shen Jiayao's eyes was shattered into countless shards, and an indescribable anger suddenly burst out from her small body!
She suddenly smashed the broken doll she just picked up in her arms on Cang Lan's face, and said grimly, "Why! Don't you listen to my mother very much?! I know, it's because she doesn't want to pick me up, right? ? She let me continue to be bullied here?! I hate you!"

After Shen Jiayao finished talking hysterically, she immediately turned around and went back to her small room with red eyes, and slammed the door shut with a bang.

The broken doll hit Cang Lan's face, and after a bounce, it fell to the ground.

At the same time, the broken doll wiped away the rare tenderness in the blue eyes.

Helen sighed, "This girl's temper is getting worse and worse, hey, I don't know why, but Ying, what are you looking for her for, aren't you really going to take her away?"

Cang Lan opened her mouth and was about to speak when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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