The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2423 like a duck in water

Chapter 2423 like a duck in water
"Me too, Gu Yan, I have eaten so many meals you cooked, and I still feel indebted to you." When Moloch said this, his mouth was not idle, so what he said It's kind of vague.

Gu Yan felt heartwarming, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Here Mephisto also expressed his opinion, "I don't care anymore, but Gu Yan, you can't favor one person over another, in the future I will eat more of your delicious food."

"no problem."

Seeing that the three companions were so unscrupulous, Beru sighed, turned his head, looked at Gu Yan, "Gu Yan, in fact, you don't have to apologize to any of us for what happened before, you just need to be with the old Daoist." Just apologize."

Gu Yan smiled, "That's the matter between me and him, okay, since the past, we all decided to turn over the page, so we all drank this glass of wine. Then, we started to talk about going to sea!"


Beru was secretly startled.

He originally thought that Gu Yan, a woman, was very smart, skilled, and had a high EQ.

But today, seeing her step by step, she ended everyone's unhappiness without any haste, and then started to go to sea in a favorable manner.

If this woman were to engage in the political field, I'm afraid she would be at ease.

Oh, by the way, she also worked in Francie's Commander's Mansion before.

People like this are better friends.

Not fit to be an enemy.

Wen Lan next to him watched all this.

She understood from the bottom of her heart, why Gu Yan said before that this group of people were cute, even though they were both good and evil, and had their lives on their hands.

But not purely bad.

Moreover, everyone will be an alliance and save people together, so there can be no gaps in our hearts.

Once they have ghosts, or they don't trust each other, then it will definitely affect the next rescue work.

So Gu Yan prepared this table of sumptuous meals, as well as her apology.

All in preparation for the next sea trip.

And this move will also reassure the other party.

Kill two birds with one stone.

"First of all, you know what we think. We want to ensure the safe return of my husband and my brother." Gu Yan spoke first.

When we started talking about business, everyone became more serious.

Beru nodded.

"Our primary goal now is to save the boss Lucifer and Yin's members. Of course, I don't know what's going on with their current situation. Our goal is also to save people."

Gu Yan didn't speak, and continued to look at Beilu.

Bei Ru paused, raised his head, and said slowly, "However, after successfully rescuing the boss, we will listen to the boss as to what to do next."

The expressions of several people paused.

It will not be forgotten that the common purpose of the alliance now is to save lives.

However, it is not certain whether the alliance will continue to be maintained after everyone has been saved.

Since everyone is so familiar and trusts each other, some ugly words must be said first.

Gu Yan nodded, "Belu, I thank you for your sincerity. To be honest, after all, everyone has different positions. I am not surprised that you can say that. However, it seems that our goals are the same in terms of rescue. So I My opinion is that our first goal is to successfully save people. After the rescue is successful, we will have a chance to discuss peacefully with each other, discuss whether to continue to cooperate or part ways in the next step. No matter what the result of the second step is, It does not affect our first step to rescue the alliance. And our first step to rescue the alliance, we must have absolute trust in each other, and treat everyone in our alliance as a lifelong companion. After all, our trip, There could be many dangers.”

(End of this chapter)

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