Chapter 2427

The TV in the lounge is playing today's news.

Gu Yan turned her head and looked over.

Inside the TV is a slum with mixed fish and dragons. A dilapidated house is on fire, surrounded by many people.

One of them was a very distressed woman who was rescued by firefighters, her face was burned and she was coughing hard.

But because Mephisto is good at disguise, he has a deep memory of people's appearance.

When Gu Yan saw it, her heart skipped a beat.

This woman with a burnt face was exactly what she had seen not long ago... Helen.

Helen's mood was unstable. Although she ran out, she still wanted to turn around and run into the burning residential building.

A policeman stopped her immediately.

She struggled and shouted, "My daughter Yaoyao is still inside, she's still inside!"

Gu Yan remembered that the Helen she saw yesterday was a very beautiful and sexy woman.

But in front of her on the TV, she was in a terrible state, her face was burned and disfigured, but she was still thinking about Shen Jiayao.

But at this moment, Gu Yan saw a familiar figure flashing past in the crowd on the TV.

It was a little girl, wearing a baseball cap and carrying a bulging backpack, and turned to leave.

Gu Yan narrowed his eyes.

That is Shen Jiayao.

The video was not very clear, but for some reason, Gu Yan could clearly see that Shen Jiayao looked at Helen who was struggling to rush in from the crowd, with sneering eyes.

And regret.

Suddenly, a terrifying and unbelievable idea came into being in Gu Yan's mind.

Could it be... Shen Jiayao started the fire?

But that girl is less than ten years old, right?

And Gu Yan could feel that Helen treated Shen Jiayao well.

Thinking hard.

"Gu Yan, what's wrong?" Miao Xiaoyu patted Gu Yan's shoulder.

At this time, the news on the TV has been replaced by another one.

Gu Yan shook her head, "It's fine."

"Gu Yan, it happens that we still have time, can you...accompany me to see Brother Jue," Miao Xiaoyu paused, and then said, "Of course, if you don't want to go, you can go back to the villa first ,us……"

"Go." Gu Yan nodded, "Go to the nursing home to see Guan Yujue."

Miao Xiaoyu was stunned.

She didn't expect why Gu Yan would agree so quickly.

Then, a hint of gratitude flashed in Miao Xiaoyu's eyes.

On the way to the nursing home where Guan Yujue was, Miao Xiaoyu asked Gu Yan how she knew Guan Yujue.

Gu Yan raised her eyes slightly, "Do you really want to listen?"

Miao Xiaoyu nodded stubbornly, "Listen!"

"Lilith, aren't you looking for abuse?" Mephisto, who was driving, sighed, "And, don't try to imitate Gu Yan, love cannot be imitated."

"Oh, it seems that you have imitated many times, have you gained experience?" Miao Xiaoyu snapped back.

Mephisto blew his bangs, "I'm so handsome, love has always been chasing me, I want it, or I don't want it."

"That's not love, yours is just love."

"You're just jealous."

"Hehe, I'm jealous of you?" Miao Xiaoyu snorted, but she still turned her head, looked at Gu Yan, and said seriously, "Gu Yan, tell me, in fact, I want to know more about Brother Jue's past. "

"Well," Gu Yan nodded, and then said with nostalgic eyes, "At that time, I was participating in special training with my companions. We were still students at school at that time, and we had to go through experience before we had the chance to become a space warrior."

(End of this chapter)

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