The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2446 He is old, but not confused

Chapter 2446 He is old, but not confused
Qin Lanzhi saw Mr. Lu looking at the photos of the children, with smiles and warmth in the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, so she said while the iron was hot, "Hey, Dad, you don't know, the babies are very cute, especially Xiao Mufeng, especially Well-behaved and sensible. You about we bring the children back?"

Qin Lanzhi said cautiously.

The smile on the corner of Lu Wenbin's mouth was slightly retracted, but his expression remained unchanged.

Qin Lanzhi didn't see that her father-in-law's mood had changed, and she continued to make her own plans.

She said eagerly, "Dad, look, do you want to talk to Uncle Bai? There are three children in total, even if you can bring one of them to our side to raise. Look, our house is so big, But Haiyang often goes to the special forces, and the house is empty, it is too quiet."

I have to say that Qin Lanzhi's last sentence really touched Lu Wenbin a little.

This house is big, but it is too quiet.

Lu Haiyang is often busy and needs to be in the special forces.

Some time ago, Qin Lanzhi had been staying at Bai's house, the main star in the north.

Needless to say, Aye and Xiaoyan, the two of them rarely met in a year, not to mention, Aye had an accident now.

In the past few days, he was the only old guy left in such a big house.

Although there is a nanny to cook and clean up the house.

But I always feel that the house is too quiet.

Even though he turned on the TV louder, deep down in his heart, it was still so quiet that it made people uncomfortable.

Lu Wenbin also likes children very much, and he also wants to take over his great-grandchildren.


He is old, but not confused.

Lanzhi's tone and expression seemed to be covering up something.

He thought for a while, but instead of directly agreeing, he asked, "Is Xiaoyan back?"

"Ah," Qin Lanzhi was taken aback, she didn't react for a while, she nodded, "I'm back, but..."

"But what?"

"...She seems to be going to find Ah Ye."


Others don't know, but Lu Wenbin does. The reason why Ah Ye disappeared was because the mission was very dangerous!
An accident happened to Ah Ye, how could Xiaoyan...

Lu Wenbin glared at his daughter-in-law, "Why didn't you stop me!?"

"I, I've blocked it." When Qin Lanzhi said this, she felt a little guilty, because she was told by Lu Haiyang before, so she didn't dare to say it. In fact, she really hoped that Gu Yan would go to Aye.

After all, Ah Ye is her own son.

Fortunately, she didn't say this. If she would probably make Lu Wenbin so angry that his blood pressure would rise.

Even so, Lu Wenbin was still very angry.

He turned and walked upstairs.

He didn't take any pictures of the children.

When Qin Lanzhi saw it, she became anxious, and quickly said, "Dad, what should we do about the child's matter?"

Lu Wenbin paused, then raised his head, and said to Qin Lanzhi, "Are you taking care of the child well?"

"Why, why can't I take it well! Hasn't Ah Ye grown up so much! Besides, I'm fine at home now, I..."

Lu Wenbin didn't listen to Qin Lanzhi's words, just shook his head and went upstairs directly.

Qin Lanzhi felt even more aggrieved.

Why did one or two treat her like this!

The grandma in the world wants to take her grandson to her side, what's wrong with that?

Here Lu Wenbin entered the study and called his son Lu Haiyang.

As soon as the call was connected, he said, "Haiyang, Xiaoyan has decided to look for Ah Ye? Where is she going to look for it?"

"She said she found a map, which is the map of the place where Ah Ye and the others went."

"Confused! It's so dangerous, how can you let Xiaoyan go!"

(End of this chapter)

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