Chapter 2448

Qin Lanzhi didn't speak, but shook her head with a low expression.

Seeing Qin Lanzhi like this, Li Xiaolan thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is no other way."

Qin Lanzhi suddenly raised her head, her eyes sparkled, "What can I do?"

"Cut it first and play later! You know where your in-laws live, right? I'll help you find a few people, and you can bring the child back first. Anyway, it's a foregone conclusion. Tell them again, and they won't do anything. Yes. Besides, your requirements are not high, as for the triplets, you just want a child, and you are the child's grandma, which is only right and proper!"

Listening to what her friend said as a matter of course, the balance in Qin Lanzhi's heart was slowly tilting.

Later, Qin Lanzhi didn't know what Li Xiaolan said again, she was full of thoughts, going directly to pick up the child, is this feasible?

Because of her son's disappearance, Qin Lanzhi's emotions were ups and downs during this period of time. Originally, she was very doting on her son, but now that her son disappeared, she wanted to keep her grandson by her side even more.

And, as for the triplets, she just wanted one child.

Aye and Xiaoyan are not here, so who else is bringing the child?


If you really went to secretly take the child away, wouldn't it be equivalent to tearing face off with the Bai family?
In fact, in all fairness, Qin Lanzhi knew that the Bai family was actually very good, they were rightly related to their family, and the family was either from the Special Forces or intellectuals.

Not to mention, Mr. Bai and her father-in-law Lu Wenbin are very good friends.

If she does this, will it affect the relationship between the two old men...

For a moment this thought prevails, and for a moment another thought pops up.

Qin Lanzhi suffered from insomnia that night.

Lu Haiyang came back from the Special Forces very late. It happened that the Special Forces had something to do. Mr. Lu had already fallen asleep, so Lu Haiyang washed up and went into the bedroom.

He saw his wife tossing and turning on the bed, and he didn't fall asleep.

With their years of understanding each other as husband and wife, Lu Haiyang knew that his wife had something on her mind.

Lu Haiyang thought his wife was in a bad mood because of something during the day.

He also felt that what he said during the day was a little heavier.

It would be great if the wife could realize her mistakes and stop doing this in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Haiyang said softly, "Lanzhi, I'm sorry, I'm a bit harsher today. But you should also understand the Bai family. We are worried about Ah Ye, and they will worry more about their children in their hearts now. We They are all parents, if you compare your heart to heart, you will understand all this."

Qin Lanzhi was stunned.

When she heard her husband's apology, the previous grievances in her heart subsided a little, especially, her husband's voice was as gentle as before, Qin Lanzhi turned around and looked at her husband.

"Actually, I didn't mean to say that at the Bai family at the time."

"Well, I know, you didn't say that on purpose, but you were in a hurry. But Lanzhi, don't be impulsive in what you say and do in the future, lest you say something unintentional and hurt someone."

"I see, next time, just remind me in time next time."

The two snuggled together.

Lu Haiyang smiled wryly in his heart. At that time, I repeatedly asked you to calm down.

But now that his wife has softened his attitude, he also knows that this matter has to be done step by step. No matter what, this is also his wife who has lived with him for decades.

It may be that Lu Haiyang's attitude has softened, which also made Qin Lanzhi's attitude soften.

She used to tell her husband about things, so after the relationship with her husband eased, Qin Lanzhi subconsciously revealed the reason why she couldn't sleep at night.

Qin Lanzhi said, "Ocean, tell me, can we go directly to Bai's house and pick up a child?"

(End of this chapter)

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