The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2454 Really not loving is forgetting

Chapter 2454 Really not loving is forgetting
Luo Cheng smiled, but that smile was uglier than crying.

He threw out the empty soda can, and rubbed his face, "She got angry, and then said, she will take my child and marry the prince of that planet, and later, she will let us The child of her, sit on the throne. Heh, she said, let me watch her and the child on TV in the future, both belong to another man. "

These words really seemed like what Angel would be able to say.

Gu Yan sat down on another chair beside her and said, "She is angry, but she is not sad, and she still loves you."

"How is it possible? I have already rejected her... Actually, I don't want to refuse, but I have no choice, I can't..."

As Luo Cheng said, he scratched his head very irritably, and he looked even more embarrassed.

Gu Yan also opened a can of beer, took a sip, and said, "If a woman really doesn't love you anymore, she won't give birth to your child. Also, the reason why she said that you will be on TV in the future Seeing that she and the child belong to another person is mad at you. Because she still cares, she is mad at you. If she doesn't care anymore, she will give up everything related to you. "

She raised her head and looked at Luo Cheng, "At that time, in her heart, there was neither love nor hatred, and you were just a passerby."

Really not loving is forgetting.

Luo Cheng raised his head in a daze.

After a while, his eye circles were red, and he shook his head mockingly, "I still love you, so what can we do. The beginning of the two of us was a mistake."

"How can a love that likes each other be wrong?"

"No, Gu Yan, you don't understand. I didn't think that I would fall in love with Angel at first. At first, she was just joking with me, but slowly, she got deeper and deeper. It's already too late."

"I know the identity problem of the two of you. This problem is very realistic. I understand. However, if two people really love each other, it should not be seen in the current state of the two of you. You must be together and face each other. right."

"It's too difficult, too difficult..."

Gu Yan didn't know what to say, but the things that lay in front of Angel and Luo Cheng were indeed tricky.

If two people are together, there must be sacrifices.

It is a difficult question.

Here, Gu Yan arranged for the Snow Wolf Brigade to settle down, and then she went out to find Beilu.

Gotta go and see how Francie's ship is being sorted out.

Beru is indeed a person with a strong ability to do things. He quickly found people, overhauled the ship, and added things they needed for travel.

As for weapons, Gongsun Yu and the others brought some this time, and then most of the things were prepared by Beru.

Including the food and clothing of their group in the future.

Looking at these very thoughtful things, Gu Yan couldn't help giving Beru a thumbs up.

Beru said, "I don't know how many days you will stay at sea, but I have prepared as much food as possible, such as compressed biscuits and jerky, as well as enough fresh water, which is enough for a group of you to live at sea for about fifty days. "

"Well, we will also catch some fish, so we can share some of it."

Beilu nodded, but after thinking about it, he said, "Gu Yan, there is a person, I think you should meet."



(End of this chapter)

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