The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2457 I Still Can't Let You Go

Chapter 2457 I Still Can't Let You Go

Wen Lan shook her head in confusion.

Gu Yan sighed lightly.

No matter what kind of person you are, when you encounter love, you will always make some abnormal things and choices.

Here Angel rushed in, but as soon as he opened the door, he smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

She saw Luo Cheng lying on the bed with his shoes on, just lying there, very imageless.

Angel was slightly stunned.

She remembered that when she first met Luo Cheng, whether the two were facing each other or after they fell in love, Luo Cheng cared most about her own image.

I've never looked so embarrassed before.

Angel bit his lip, closed the door gently, and walked in.

She walked to the bed and wanted to help Luo Cheng take off her shoes, but the moment her hand touched Luo Cheng's feet, Luo Cheng's body turned away as a conditioned reflex.

He wasn't awake yet, but because of his years of special Space Marine experience, he felt someone approaching with great vigilance.

Luo Cheng was a little puzzled. At this time, no one should have entered the room he was in.

Gu Yan is a very reliable person, knowing that he is not in a good state these days, she will not bother him at all.

After the line of sight gradually gained focus, Luo Cheng stared blankly at Angel in front of him.

"How did you come?"

"Don't you want to see me?"

Luo Cheng scratched his hair indiscriminately, and then realized belatedly that he looked very embarrassed at this time.

He turned his head away and said, "You said you didn't want to see me again."

"I said I don't want to see you, do you believe it? Are you a fool? Then I asked you to elope with me, why didn't you listen to me?!" Angel was going to die of anger.

She rushed towards Luocheng directly, Luocheng immediately caught her in a hurry, and the two of them fell on the bed together.

Los Angeles said nervously, "Angel, your stomach, don't be so excited, let's talk slowly."

"I'm not pregnant."

Luo Cheng was taken aback.

Angel's eyes were red. She had never been a weak woman, and she could count the number of times she cried in her entire life.

But a few times it was because of Los Angeles.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I thought that if you said you had a child, you would be moved and you would be with me, but I didn't expect you to be so cruel that you don't even want a child anymore, and you don't even care that your child calls someone else's daddy! "

After hearing this, Los Angeles couldn't laugh or cry, a little helpless, but still held Angel's waist and said, "Get up first, let's sit up and talk."

"No! I'm going to say that!" Angel put his arms around Luo Cheng's neck and said, "I heard that Lucifer is missing, and Gu Yan's husband is also missing. Gu Yan's husband is your companion. You also want to go to sea with them to save people, don't you?"

"En." Luo Cheng hugged the woman in his arms, looked at her red eyes, and suddenly felt a little weak.

He doesn't care about fake pregnancies.

I just care about how long I can hug her.

Angel reached out and stroked the beard on Los Angeles' chin, and said, "I'm going too."

"What?" Luo Cheng's eyes widened, "You are not allowed to go! Don't you know how dangerous this time is?"

"Dangerous, didn't you go too?"

"Aye and Changle are both my companions. When we were performing missions together, we encountered danger before, and it was they who sacrificed their lives to save me. At this time, they are in danger, and I can't stand idly by!"

Luo Cheng said very seriously.

Treat your companions and never give up.

None of them can be discarded!

Angel hugged Luo Cheng's neck, leaned over and kissed him, and said very seriously, "I know you Niall have a saying, which is called Husband Sings Wife Follows."


"Luocheng, I still can't let you go!"

So here I am.

So, I never leave again.

Luo Cheng was slightly moved. The next moment, he hugged Angel tightly, and the two hugged and kissed each other tightly...

(End of this chapter)

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