Chapter 2483 Food Chain

Gu Yan repeated what Liu Xingyun said to Miao Xiaoyu.

Later, she also reminded the danger of this method again.

"First of all, if it fails, then no matter whether it is the rescuer or the rescued person, they may never wake up. Therefore, you'd better discuss this matter with Guan Lan."

After all, the current Guan Yujue may still wake up.

And once the method of entering his subconscious failed, he would never wake up again, and would become a real vegetable.

Miao Xiaoyu was also very tangled in her heart.

Because now it seems that the hypnotist can only be played by her, and there must be two more people to save Guan Yujue.

At this time, Mephisto came over, put his hand on Miao Xiaoyu's shoulder, and then said, "Lilith, don't be too entangled. After we rescue the boss, we will ask the boss to help find a solution."

Miao Xiaoyu nodded.

Yes, even if she wanted to save Guan Yujue now, she still had to wait to go back.

Thinking of this, she temporarily let go of that contradiction and entanglement.

Seeing that Miao Xiaoyu quickly adjusted her mentality, Gu Yan felt a little relieved.

She said, "I don't know what there is in this sea area. According to the map, we may have to sail for four or five days."

"What else can there be? Isn't it just some fierce fish and birds? Could there be big monsters?" Moloch gnawed on a piece of bread indifferently.

As a result, no one thought that it would make Moloch a prophecy.

At first, it was a school of fish with very sharp teeth, following their boat all the way.

Then, the birds flying all over the sky followed the fish, not only dispersed the fish, but also tried to attack the people on the boat.

It was also fortunate that Los Angeles and Angel were standing beside those crew members, and each of them stabbed a bird.

The bird's eyes were red and its beak was very sharp. No wonder it killed the fish with one bite.

The feathers on a pair of wings are very hard, and when they flicker quickly, they can even cut through human skin.

Angel's eyes widened and he was very excited, "Hey, I want to catch a live one, and I can take it back to raise it."

When Luo Cheng thought about what Gu Yan said just now about the parasites in the fish saliva, he immediately said, "This bird is too ugly, and, have you forgotten that it just ate the fish with parasites? There must have been parasites in the bird's belly, too."

"But I think this bird often eats that fish, probably because it's not afraid of any parasites."

"Angel, you are right. This bird is very proficient at eating that kind of fish. It looks like it eats it often, and that fish has become their diet. This should be due to evolution, after all, it is a lower level of the food chain. It's just that , They are all local creatures, but we are foreign creatures." Gu Yan walked over and said slowly, "Although you really want to raise them, but there will be many things that will happen next, I am afraid you will not have time to take care of that bird .”

"Oh..." Although Angel was quite disappointed, he also thought that Gu Yan was right, so he dismissed the idea.

However, while the few people were talking, a few more birds rushed down, but they were quickly cleaned up by Gu Yan and others.

Originally they thought that there would be more and more birds, but for some unknown reason, the flocks of birds suddenly scattered in all directions and flew away in panic.

"What's wrong with these birds?" Angel looked suspiciously at the birds flying around.

Gu Yan's eyebrows twitched, and her expression changed.

Gu Yan immediately turned around and said, "Everyone, quickly pick up your weapons and put everyone on alert!"

(End of this chapter)

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