The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2485 If it continues, the boat will capsize

Chapter 2485 If it continues, the boat will capsize
Gu Yan guessed right.

This huge octopus is the overlord of the nearby sea.

Where has it been treated this way?
Still twice!

Last time, a man even jumped on its head. If it wasn't for its flashing speed, its head would have exploded!
In fact, it also wanted to overturn that ship last time.

However, that ship is too big, and with its strength, it is really difficult to overturn it.

But this time, the boat was smaller than the previous one.

So, with several broken legs, it angrily decided to capsize the ship!

The boat began to rock and roll.

Everyone tightly grasped the handrails around them, but besides the shaking of the boat, there were also those octopus legs pulling over!
If you can't dodge, if you get caught, you will either die or be injured!
Not to mention, the octopus was still spitting out a disgusting liquid. The color of the liquid was very strange, and it was poisonous at first glance.

damn it!
Gu Yan grabbed the railing next to her with one hand, and her clothes were soaked.


If this continues, I'm afraid the boat will capsize!

Now they are in the deep sea, if the boat capsizes, let alone this terrifying octopus, even those fish with big slaps and teeth are enough for them to choke.

At this moment, Moloch stood firmer than anyone else.

He was carrying a bazooka, aiming at the big octopus with a single shot.

The idea of ​​the iron octopus makes Moloch's firepower very fierce, and because of his large tonnage, he stands very stable.

After being hit by rockets several times in a row, the octopus broke two more legs.


Ordinary octopuses have eight tentacles.

This giant octopus has mutated, giving birth to sixteen tentacles.

There are five hundred suction cups on each tentacle.

It was a very dangerous weapon.


Now it has only six tentacles left... Fewer than ordinary octopuses!
The octopus got angry, and jumped out directly into the sea water, and sprayed out the venom at the place where the people were standing on the boat.

Gu Yan has known for a long time that this venom is not small, at least it can't let this thing directly touch the eyes!

Gu Yan quickly picked up a board next to her, covering her face and resisting the attack of the venom.

As for the venom that drenched her body, it didn't touch the skin for the time being, so it wasn't a big problem.

However, Gu Yan took this opportunity to jump directly on top of that big octopus!
The big octopus was a little distracted at this time, one of its tentacles had already entangled the little fish, and the strong suction of the sucker made it impossible for the little fish to break free for a while.

On the other hand, Mephisto immediately shot at that tentacle, but another tentacle slowly approached him from behind him...

On the other side, Cang Lan, who has never had any sense of existence, was also wrapped around her waist, and she was about to be dragged away. Ming Bei and Guo Rou rushed over immediately, shooting at the big octopus non-stop, trying to stop it. It is good to save the partner.

But the boat was still rocking, and they couldn't stand still, and they were worried that the gun might accidentally injure their partner, so the firepower weakened.

It was at this moment that Gu Yan jumped on top of the octopus.

The top of the octopus' head was very slippery, and Gu Yan was almost unable to stand still, but the moment she lost her balance, she immediately shot the octopus in the head.

The octopus that was shot didn't die immediately, but the huge pain caused it to jump up suddenly.

Although the octopus is big, its body is covered with water and mucus, which is very slippery.

When it shakes, Gu Yan is about to slip off its body!
(End of this chapter)

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