The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2487 Did the boat drive away

Chapter 2487 Did the boat drive away

Nobody knows.

But at this time, Gu Yan was completely swallowed by the sea.

That octopus is very smart, as if it knows that humans cannot breathe under the sea, and it killed a human just like this last time.

So this time, it suffered a big loss from Gu Yan, so it wanted to drown Gu Yan.

Although Xiao Yupei has disappeared, but in those years, Xiao Yupei has carried out a lot of transformations on Gu Yan's body.

Not only made her ears and eyes clear, but also faster than ordinary people.

In the beginning, Gu Yan held her breath underwater for a long time, and in the end, the time became longer and longer. Even if she stayed underwater for a long time, Gu Yan would not drown, just like being able to breathe underwater. up.

Not only did he not care about the lack of oxygen, but the huge pressure underwater also had no effect on Gu Yan.

The octopus, which was seriously injured, was very proud of itself. After sinking for a while, it rolled up its prey in front of its eyes, wanting to see if the prey died.

Gu Yan has been waiting for this moment!
The moment she approached, she suddenly clenched the lost and recovered dagger, and directly pierced the octopus' eyes!
She moved very quickly. After stabbing the octopus in the left eye, she kicked the octopus in the face, then used her strength to break free from the octopus' tentacles, and then quickly pierced the octopus' other eye!
The battered octopus let out a painful roar, and while it was struggling wildly, Gu Yan once again stepped on the wound on the top of the octopus that she had injured. With the help of the buoyancy of the water, the whole body was like a spring, and went straight up. Bounced!
Because of the remaining prestige of this octopus king, other marine creatures dare not approach it for the time being.

However, the octopus has been seriously injured. After a while, other sea creatures will feel that it is profitable, and I am afraid they will come to besiege it.

The law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest.

So Gu Yan knew that she had to leave here as soon as possible.

Another point, that is, the boat is still waiting for Gu Yan.

If the boat sailed away, no matter how powerful Gu Yan was, he might be helpless.

After all, this is the deep sea.

So did the ship leave?
The octopus was injured, and the huge bloody smell first attracted many strange-looking seabirds. These seabirds all have fierce eyes, sharp claws, and sharp beaks.

Some crew members on the ship, who were in shock and stable, immediately said to the captain Jack anxiously, "Captain, let's leave quickly! These birds are too scary!"

Bearded Jack knew that it wasn't just these birds, as the smell of blood wafted around, there might be other creatures coming later!

"Can't go! Xiaoyan hasn't come up yet!" Wen Lan said directly and coldly.

Guo Rou also said beside her, "That's right, I can't leave! Gu Yan hasn't come up yet!"

"But Miss Gu has been in the water for a long time. One of our people fell into the water before, didn't you wait for it!" The crew member said a little bit aggrieved.

The crew member who was sucked into the sea by the tentacles of the octopus not long ago had a very good relationship with him.

Jack glared at the crew member, "Say one more word, and I'll throw you into the sea right now!"

Others don't know, but he knows.

Who is that Gu Yan, she is the sister recognized by the boss Lucifer!

Even if all the people on their boat had an accident, that Gu Yan couldn't have an accident!
Miao Xiaoyu touched the sea water on her face, looked at the sea level, and said quietly, "35 minutes have passed..."

This breath-holding data, at this time, has already broken through the limit of human beings.

Could it be that Gu Yan can really breathe underwater?

(End of this chapter)

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