Chapter 2491 Wen Lan cried
"Xiaoyan, this time, I might really say goodbye to you."

"Boss Liu..."

Liu Xingyun shook his head slightly, and smiled lightly.

Afterwards, looking at Wen Lan who came over, Liu Xingyun said softly, "Go over and have a good talk with your sister-in-law, she was very worried after you fell into the sea just now."

Gu Yan wanted to say something more, but Wen Lan was already approaching, so she had no choice but to stop this topic.

Just now when Gu Yan came back, Guo Rou, Miao Xiaoyu and others directly expressed their concerns for Gu Yan, but Wen Lan didn't say a word.

But Gu Yan knew that the person who was most worried about her must be Wen Lan.

So, when Liu Xingyun left the deck, Wen Lan hugged Gu Yan directly.

She is a cold-hearted woman who is not good at talking.

What she experienced as a child made her a little ruthless.


Ever since she got to know the brothers and sisters of the Bai family, Wen Lan is no longer the cold and cold Wen Lan.

This was the first time Wen Lan took the initiative to hug her sister-in-law Gu Yan. She hugged her so hard that her body trembled slightly, and even Gu Yan felt it.

"Sister-in-law..." As soon as Gu Yan opened her mouth, she felt that her neck was hot at first, and then it was cold again.

Gu Yan was shocked.

Wen Lan is crying!

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, why do you..."

"I'm fine, Xiaoyan, let me cry for a while, let me cry for a while..."

For a moment, Wen Lan was really worried that Gu Yan would die, and if Gu Yan died because of this, it was definitely because she didn't hold Gu Yan!

It's all her fault!
Wen Lan felt afraid for the first time in his life.

If something really happened to Gu would she face her husband Chang Le?

How about going to face Lu Ye with his partner and brother-in-law?
Gu Yan understood what was going on in an instant. She wiped the tears on Wen Lan's face with her sleeves, and said softly, "Sister-in-law, don't blame yourself, am I fine? Besides, your sister and I are The best person on this ship is not afraid of any danger, so how can something happen? If you don't believe me, then it means that I am not good enough. If you cry again, you are looking down on me, eh?"

Hearing Gu Yan's words, Wen Lan couldn't help but laugh.

This girl is so thick-skinned!
However, Wen Lan admitted that Gu Yan is indeed the best person on this ship.

These people may be better in a certain field, but no one is more versatile than Gu Yan.

"Okay, you were tired just now, go back and rest first. Next, maybe what will happen again." Wen Lan wiped her face and said softly.

In fact, Gu Yan didn't really feel tired, her physical fitness was already unmatched by anyone.

It's not a problem to stay up for two days in a row.

But she was a little hungry.

Gu Yan said, "That's fine, sister-in-law, I'll get something to eat first, and I'll replace you guys when it's a little later."

After these incidents, the crew on the ship suffered serious damage. Although they were stronger than the average crew, they were weaker than Gu Yan and others in terms of physical fitness and reaction ability.

So now there are less than ten people left beside the bearded Captain Jack.

Moreover, some of these people have been protected because they are responsible for some technical aspects such as sailing.

In order to prevent any sudden danger, Gu Yan and the others were divided into four groups, and they took turns to stand on duty.

Gu Yan bid farewell to Wen Lan, after thinking about it, she went to the small kitchen on the boat first.

She is so hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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