The queen of rebirth is beautiful and sassy

Chapter 2946 Ghost Gambling Ship 26

Chapter 2946 Ghost Gambling Ship 26
Jiang Wanghe also knows that there must be some danger outside, but the specific danger is temporarily unknown.

But he only thought for a few seconds before saying, "Brother Gu, I'll go out with you."

"You are not afraid?"

Jiang Wanghe had already got out of bed, tidied his clothes, and said quietly, "I'm afraid it's useless, it's better to meet him."

Gu Yan found that she really liked the kid's temper.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed Jiang Wanghe's hair, "But let me explain in advance, the danger is that I may not care about you."

Jiang Wanghe dodged Gu Yan's hand in embarrassment, his ears were slightly red.

"Who wants your help!"

Gu Yan laughed, picked up the card given by Brother Jiang before, and opened the door.

At this time, it was after three o'clock in the afternoon. I saw on the timetable in the room just now that it was dinner time after five o'clock, and it was game time after eight o'clock.

Breakfast is from eight to nine o'clock, lunch from eleven to twelve o'clock, and dinner from five to six o'clock.

So at this time, it's still quiet, and it's not time for dinner. Perhaps, many people are preparing for the game.

What kind of game is it?

But as newcomers, Gu Yan and Jiang Wanghe don't know about it for the time being.

Because they won't know until it's almost eight o'clock.

The part of District 12, except for the big iron gate, looks like a medium-level cruise ship. Of course, there is no deck directly outside, and you can see the scenery of the sea, but it is made of a special material. thick glass.

Jiang Wanghe reached out and knocked on the glass, he frowned.

"This glass is really strong."

Gu Yan smiled, "This is not glass, it is made of polycarbonate fiber thermoplastic, the transparency and feel are similar to glass, and the name is also related to glass."

Jiang Wanghe's eyes flashed, "Bulletproof glass?"

Gu Yan smiled and nodded again.

"Two little brothers, you are very knowledgeable." A man from an alien domain came over. This man was dressed very gentlemanly, and the cuff buttons on his cuffs were still there.

But the suit was dirty, which immediately discounted this gentlemanly style.

Therefore, both Gu Yan and Jiang Wanghe looked suspiciously at the man's bangs, which seemed to be pomaded, all of which were pushed back.

As if he didn't feel it, the man brushed his hair and said, "Little brother, are you newcomers?"

The man looked to be in his thirties.

But even so, Jiang Wanghe was very upset to be called his little brother again.

Just as he was about to speak, Gu Yan pressed his hand, then looked at the gentleman and asked, "May I ask you something?"

"It's okay, I just want to see that you two... are newcomers, so come here to care for the newcomers." He smiled slightly, with a very elegant appearance, just in contrast to the embarrassment he tried to maintain on his appearance, so the actions of these gentlemen, Much funnier.

Then, he said, "You can call me Lawrence directly, where do you live? When it's time for dinner, we can sit and eat together, and then I will tell you about this game in detail."

"Oh, that's right, thank you very much. The two of us live in Room 2019. Is it five o'clock for dinner?"

"By the way, see you later." Lawrence nodded gentlemanly, then turned and left.

Immediately afterwards, apart from Lawrence, a few more men came over to strike up a conversation. Their words were all the same, as if they wanted to respond with strong friendliness and enthusiasm to Gu Yan and Jiang Wanghe.

(End of this chapter)

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