My room has an arbitrary door

Chapter 1108 The Expected Mutation

Chapter 1108 The Expected Mutation

It doesn't take long to get from Berlin to Iceland.

When he decided to go directly to Iceland, Wei Ziqing followed the scythe people directly.

This time there were not many people who set out together, except for Ethan and the eighteen Shuras, Wei Ziqing was the only one.

On the fighter plane.

Wei Ziqing and Ethan were sitting in the cabin.

It was Xing Jiu who flew the plane, and the rest had to wait.

The purpose of this trip is mainly for the research materials of the Winter Soldier Project, as for Helmuel Zemo, this is not important.

"Ding... System task activation: 1: Obtain the information of the Winter Soldier Project, and eliminate five Winter Soldier soldiers... Mission reward: 2000 points!

2: Rescue Captain America and Bucky the Winter Soldier, reward: 2000 points! "

Just as he was about to arrive in Iceland, suddenly the system's voice came unexpectedly, and it was a mission reminder.

"The system actually activated the task, and this task..."

It is not surprising to obtain the information of the Winter Soldier Project. Even if the system does not prompt, the scythe and his party are bound to get it. Although, I don't know how much information exists in that base.

But now, the system's prompt let Wei Ziqing know that the information of the Winter Soldier Project in the base now exists.

But what surprised him was the conditions of the five Winter Soldier in the mission, as well as saving Captain America and Winter Soldier Bucky.

"The five Winter Soldier are still alive, and Captain America and Bucky are in danger. This is really unexpected!"

In the original book, when Helmuel Zemo arrived at the Winter Soldier Research Base, the five Winter Soldier soldiers lost their vitality and died because they had been frozen for too long.

But this time, the mission conditions of the system all show that they are still alive, and even the American team and Bucky are not their opponents.

"Sure enough, it's still the same as I guessed, the plot has changed!"

With a low murmur, he said to Ethan, "Pass it on, after everyone lands, prepare to fight!"

Ready to fight?

Ethan was stunned. There are still thousands of kilometers away from Iceland. Could it be: "Do you know what happened on Iceland?"

"That's it!"

Wei Ziqing nodded. With his spiritual consciousness unfolded, he could indeed see far away by expending mental power, but now Iceland can't see it. It's just that there are systematic reminders, and the above things can be more or less guessed. .

"A few little guys have appeared, which is good for the Winter Soldier plan. Let the Eighteenth Shura take control of them!"

Ethan nodded, stood up, and walked towards the place where the Eighteenth Shura was.


Iceland, in the base left over from the former Soviet Union.

Because of being frozen for nearly a hundred years, this base is a little dilapidated, and it feels like it will be annihilated by time.

However, in such a base, on the former training ground, there are cracks, gunpowder smoke, and explosions coming continuously.

It was a man with a ferocious face, his eyes were full of madness, resentment and unwillingness, and, relieve hatred!

Behind him stood five men and two women with extremely cold faces. Even though their expressions didn't change, their muscles and the smell of blood showed that these were bloodthirsty warriors who had experienced many battles.

Bang bang bang!
On the other side, Captain America vomited blood, lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, and countless fists fell on his body.

Under this powerful attack, the entire ground was continuously sunken, and sand and gravel were splashed.

"Bucky, wake up, it's me, don't let him control you... wake up!"

The murderer who attacked him frantically and mercilessly was none other than Bucky, but now, no matter what Captain America shouted, Bucky was like a robot, unable to listen at all.

It was as if what he attacked was not his friend, but his father and enemy.

"It's useless, he can't hear it, a machine, no matter how much you shout, he can't hear it, and he can never refuse my order!"

Helmuel Zemo smiled ferociously at Stephen, who was dying and full of panic and despair.

"Why...why...why are you...doing this?"

Stephen didn't understand why he designed himself and Bucky in every possible way, and he didn't understand why Bucky would be controlled by him.


Helmuel Zemo raised his hand, Bucky stopped attacking, and stood aside, Helmuel Zemo walked up and stepped on Stephen's body hard.

Although this kick was not as strong as Bucky's attack, he was already injured, and it was tantamount to adding insult to injury, and a mouthful of blood spewed out immediately.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Helmuel Zemo smiled grimly, "You don't know me, do you? I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Helmuel Zemo. I used to be a special soldier in the US Army. Two years ago, I was sent to Sokowi Ya carry out the order..."


Captain America was completely stunned, and his voice trembled a little.

"It seems that you understand a little bit!"

Helmuel Zemo smiled miserably: "I told my family that the battlefield was only in the city, and the government restricted it from spreading farther away, so I let them hide in the suburbs hundreds of miles away, but...

I was wrong, you don't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all, you fought from inside to outside, the house collapsed, my father hugged my wife and daughter, trying to protect them with his body, but, no Use, all useless! "

Stephen fell silent.

"But what about you?"

Helmuel Zemo's voice suddenly became clear, and he roared at the US team: "Destroyed the city, thought he saved the earth, left countless corpses, and left like this, even if, even if Not even an apology was left, let alone being punished by law!"

Stephen's face paled even more.

The entire base was terrifyingly quiet, except for Helmuel Zemo's roar, which directly shook Stephen's heart.

is it wrong?
Are you really wrong?
Helmuel Zemo's questioning was like a hammer, constantly hitting his heart with guilt, self-blame, and remorse.

Stephen never thought that this day would come. He loves freedom and peace. For this goal, he was unblocked and stood in today's era to fight to protect this hard-won peace!
But now...

Helmuel Zemo's questioning gave him an illusion.

The so-called peace is just the comfort they gave themselves. How many families were displaced and the deaths of innocent lives could have been avoided, but because of their self-righteousness, they caused a series of irreparable consequences.

At this moment... Stephen began to understand why Tony had to agree to the UN agreement.

Indeed, they are not ordinary people.

Without limits, it would be a disaster after all.

And now...

The entire Helmuel Zemo in front of them is paying for the disaster caused by themselves and others.

(End of this chapter)

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