My room has an arbitrary door

Chapter 1170 You Can Meet 1 Person

Chapter 1170


Wei Ziqing looked at Miao Shan in disbelief: "Ma Xiaoling will die?"

how can that be!

In the original book, Ma Xiaoling will not die, even in the end, she is also the savior of this world.

The exorcist dragon clan, the southern hair and the northern horse, the northern exorcist dragon clan that lost Ma Xiaoling, is it still the exorcist dragon clan?This is simply impossible!
But now, Miao Shan told himself that once he went to England, Ma Xiaoling would die. How could this be possible?

"Kang Tianyou?"

Suddenly, Wei Ziqing suddenly remembered something, looked at Miao Shan and asked.

If it is possible, then there is only Kuang Tianyou!

The current Kuang Tianyou is still Kuang Tianyou, the grandson of Kuang Guohua, but when Ma Xiaoling and the others came back from England, Kuang Tianyou was no longer Kuang Tianyou, his name was Kuang Guohua...

At the time when Ma Xiaoling thought that Kuang Guohua's fate had been changed, he was bitten by the general later, and he has lived to this day...

"It seems that you really know something, which is why, as long as you appear in the place, everything will change!"

Seeing Wei Ziqing's reaction, Miao Shan also sighed.

Sure enough.

I can know what will happen in the future, but this Wei Ziqing also knows.

The difference from me is that I am just a bystander this time, and Wei Ziqing is a participant this time.

"You did not guess wrong. Your appearance will make Kuang Guohua unable to appear according to the established destiny. Without Kuang Guohua's future, that doomsday, no matter how powerful your power is, I am afraid it will be difficult to change... change Forget it, don't mention Ma Xiaoling, I'm afraid everyone will hardly escape this calamity!"

"You, go or not?"

It was another rhetorical question, but this time, Wei Ziqing remained silent.

Looking at Miao Shan with a wry smile for a long time: "Do I still have a choice?"

Zombie 2 ah!
A battle between gods and zombies, and the grievances and hatreds that people can't explain or analyze.

And all the disasters started around this.

The world is chaotic, and there is love in the beginning. Nuwa used clay to create people, smelted colored stones to mend the sky, and created vitality for human beings.

Unexpectedly, human beings are greedy and self-destructive.

Nuwa spared no effort to extract the five evil natures of human beings: power, jealousy, resentment, confusion, and obsession, from the world and turn them into five-color stones to make the world clean again.

However, things backfired, and the five evil natures regenerated in the human world. Nuwa was heartbroken and decided to issue an ultimatum to human beings, vowing that on the day of return after all generations, if human beings continue to kill, they will destroy the world. Wa sealed her body in the five-colored spirit and exiled herself in the nine heavens.

Not a human, not a ghost, not a god, the Zombie True Ancestor General has witnessed Nuwa's joy and sorrow for human beings, and has long been obsessed with her. The innocent general thought that by turning the world into zombies, he could save them and help mankind avoid Nuwa's descent. The catastrophe of the world...

And in this catastrophe, the help of Tianyou and Xiaoling, who were bitten by the general 60 years ago, was indispensable, because in the original work, it was they who resolved Nuwa's devastating blow to mankind...

Without Ma Xiaoling and Kuang Tianyou's stalemate 2, when the five-color stone hits the world, will it be a catastrophe for mankind, or will it be the time to end the relationship between the minister and Nuwa?
This is probably the ending that no one is sure about!

Miao Shan smiled, revealing an incomprehensible expression.

I don't know if it was a sigh of relief, or a surprise that Wei Ziqing was so compromising.

You know, although I can discover Wei Ziqing, it is because he left his mark in the river of fate, but no matter what, even if I am the incarnation of Guanyin Hongchenlei, I can't deduce his future. how is it like.

Perhaps, it was because his strength was higher than his own!
But that's fine, since there is this unstable factor, and as long as the place where he exists will change in the future, then perhaps, this person can really change the future of this world with this ability!
"What about you? Since the future is so dangerous, aren't you going to make a move?"

When the truth of the matter came to light, Wei Ziqing naturally wanted to drag Miao Shan into the water.

This Miao Shan’s strength is indeed not as good as her own, but she has advantages. With her identity, she is enough to represent Guanyin’s position. If this Miao Shan supports the human side, then it is equivalent to bringing the entire West. Just because of this Western Buddhist world, maybe I will think more about what I want to do!
After all, the Nuwa of this world is not the Nuwa of the prehistoric world...

Miao Shan shook his head: "This is a matter between you humans and Nvwa, the general and Nvwa, and Buddhism is no longer easy to intervene..."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Wei Ziqing glanced at Miao Shan indifferently, turned around and left without saying anything.

Going to the UK or not going to the UK has no effect on me.

Even if I went to the UK, there is nothing there that can arouse my interest. See if Shiya and Riley have a misunderstanding?
Wei Ziqing doesn't gossip like this...

Back at Jiajia Building, after Wei Ziqing and Ma Xiaoling said that they would not go to England, although Ma Xiaoling was very curious, but Wei Ziqing didn't say anything, and Ma Xiaoling couldn't ask anything.

After handing over the method of searching for Jenny's spiritual consciousness to Ma Xiaoling, on the second day, Ma Xiaoling took Kuang Tianyou and Zhenzhen on the plane to England...

After Wei Ziqing watched them leave, he also looked away.

This time, at least a few people will not come back until a week later, and after returning, all the plots have finally begun to develop.

"It's actually quite difficult to arrange something for a week..."

Wei Ziqing would not let him waste a week easily.

But wanting to arrange something, Wei Ziqing thought about it, but gave up.

In the world of stalemate, there is no one who can rely on arrangements to change the ending. All of this can only be changed with time. Can find the way to break Nuwa's destruction in advance!

But that person...

It still depends on Tang Benjing and Jin Future... And this kind of emotional matter is definitely not something that Wei Ziqing can participate in...

"However, El Niño can't be seen, but he can go to see..."

Everyone thought that he was not in this world at this time, but who would know that when he woke up in 60 years, in order to save Kuang Guohua and He Fusheng, he wanted to leave his beloved after seeing Kuang Guohua turned into a zombie, I don't understand why saving a person would result in a painful parting of life and death, but he also stepped into the world of mortals, experiencing the seven emotions and six desires...

And now he is somewhere in this port!
(End of this chapter)

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