The empress of fast wear is married

Chapter 77 Permission to Extra Story

Chapter 77 Permission to Extra Story (1)

The person I love the most is my sister.

No one can separate us, including death.

So please don't try to leave me, otherwise...

My heart would stop beating.


Before the age of ten, Xu lived in an orphanage.

The Blue Ribbon Orphanage at that time was far less spacious, bright and warm as light than it was in the past.

In my memory, it was messy, dirty, damp, and dark.

The children were dressed in rags, their faces were yellow and thin, and they only relied on the precarious support of the dean's mother alone.

Until one day, an expensive and luxurious black car came to this place.

Li Ke will always remember that day.

In the large courtyard of the Blue Ribbon Orphanage, the only cherry blossom tree is in full bloom.

The pink cherry blossoms are like clouds, and the falling petals are colorful.

The spring sun is shining brightly.

Everything is as beautiful as a scene from a comic, full of fantasy.

In the car, a couple and a little girl wearing a pink princess tutu got off.

The couple were luxurious and arrogant, and their demeanor and demeanor exuded a sense of aloofness.

The dean's mother, who was usually kind and serious, bent down in front of the couple, with a hint of something ten-year-old Xu Xu didn't fully understand in her smile.

After a long time, Xu Xu found out that it was called humble flattery.

Because the couple wants to adopt a child, they will donate 500 million to the Blue Ribbon Orphanage afterwards.

500 million may not be a big deal to them, but it is undoubtedly the lifeline of the orphanage.

The dean's mother can't miss this opportunity, she must be careful, lest the two nobles turn around and leave.

There are more than one orphanage in Fengcheng, and the blue ribbon is not the only choice for the couple.

At least in the eyes of outsiders, it is like this.

It was only later that Xu Xu found out that the couple's goal was only him from the beginning to the end.

A person with Mumbai's Hh blood type, even if he died quietly in this city, no one would care about his life, a person from an orphanage.

However, at the time, Xu Xu did not expect that the couple would choose him.

Ten-year-old children are already able to remember many things, and some even have a fixed personality. Generally, when adopting children, the younger the better.

What's more, he was adopted by the previous family and sent back to the orphanage not long after. In the eyes of outsiders, a child with a "conviction" must be kept at a respectful distance.

Even if it wasn't his reason to be sent back.

But who wants to find out the truth?
Just like you can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, people will always only believe what they want to believe.

The children in the orphanage are like duckweed, floating erratically, their fate is never under their control.

Being chosen for adoption by that couple is just like being abandoned by the previous family on trumped-up charges, and it is not up to one's own decision.

Although the dean's mother called him over after knowing the couple's decision, bent down and asked softly:

"Mr. Xu and Mrs. Xu want to adopt a child to accompany Miss Xu Nuo. The person they choose is you. Would you like to go to Xu's house with them?"

That's right.

That couple was Xu's father and Xu's mother.

That princess dress girl is exactly what was promised.

Even a three-year-old child knows the power and status of the Xu family in Fengcheng.

Being a child of the Xu family, even an adopted son, is something that many people dream of.

Presumably no one in the world would refuse, right?

Looking at the dean's mother's slightly old and kind face, and the hopeful light in her eyes...

At that time, the little boy had already shown his beauty, his slender and thick eyelashes drooped slightly, and he nodded.

At that time, permission was not called permission.

He didn't know that his lightness was destined to turn his life upside down...


  There are a total of three chapters in Coco's episode, and another chapter is the follow-up of Her Majesty the Queen in this plane.

  Today's arrangement is Jiangzi.

  Originally, I thought that the guaranteed update could be restored, but... I woke up this morning and found that there was a Wan Reward.

  Hey, I had to add an update at 10 pm.

  A new dimension will start tomorrow, if you don’t like to watch the episode, you can skip it, okay?

  Good afternoon, dear princesses!
  The next chapter is at 16 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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