Chapter 1018 Save Food
Under Gu Youyou's full control, the epidemic did not spread, but was brought under control little by little.

Jin Wang looked at her now as if he was an enemy, but Gu Youyou had been following Qin Wang and Circe all the time, so he didn't have any seizures.

"Hmph, I see you have saved these people, where can you find the food to keep them alive until the autumn harvest?"

Just because he doesn't make trouble doesn't mean that he will make Gu Youyou feel embarrassed by saying a few words from time to time.

Gu Youyou glanced at him lightly, and said, "His Royal Highness, if you don't save him? Then kill all the useless ones according to your method, so you can save food, right?"

Gu Youyou has never lost against anyone.

King Jin snorted, "Of course, for those who are dying of illness, wouldn't it be better to let them die to save both food and medicine? What is urgently needed now is all kinds of supplies, how can they be wasted for them. "

Gu Youyou didn't want to talk to someone like him, who made her feel no love for him, so she turned and went to the pharmacy.

Seeing Gu Youyou leaving, Circe followed immediately.

King Qin said lightly: "If we do this, we will save food, but we will also lose the support of the people."

He pointed to the people outside and said, "Look, for example, in that family, you let their elderly father pass away, or even voluntarily abandoned them, what do you make those young people think? They will think you are a father-killer and enemy. And the second elder brother is the noble prince of the royal family, so in their eyes, the royal court is to kill the father and the enemy, if there is a rebellion in the future, these people will be the first to respond."

King Jin said with anger on his face, "You bastard, how dare you teach me a lesson?"

"Don't dare." King Qin cupped his hands, threw off his sleeves and went out.

King Jin's face was terribly distorted. He thought that his ideas were correct, but who were the people who worked with him?doctor?Civil servants?There is also a king of Qin who was spoiled by Concubine Sheng. These people are all benevolent women, how can they understand his heart?

He is decisive and decisive, and his method is the simplest and easiest.

As for the rebels?He didn't think there would be any rebels at all, or the same sentence, these people can't even eat enough, how can they have the strength to rebel?

But what they did was right, because he saw that those who were sick were getting better gradually, and there was a steady stream of supplies coming in, even more than what was distributed by the imperial court.

Why did she, Gu Youyou, have such abilities?

As Jin Wang of the Zhuzhao Kingdom, he couldn't even do it.

What a Gu Youyou, a woman with no status or status, why did she become Jin Zijin's good helper?
The supplies from the Lingnan branch arrived. A large group of carriages pulled a lot of supplies and medicines. There was also a person Gu Youyou knew very well.

Lu Banxia.

I haven't seen her for a few years, Ban Xia is much more mature than before, and she burst into tears when she saw Gu Youyou.

"Sister Youyou!"

Pinellia is now the attending doctor of Lingnan Jishengtang. She is smart, hard-working and studious, and her current medical skills are among the best in Lingnan.

"Why are you here?" Gu Youyou was very surprised, because Ban Xia couldn't leave.

Ban Xia said to Gu Youyou with red eyes: "Ban Xia has always wanted to come to the capital to see Sister You You, but she couldn't leave. I finally found an opportunity, so naturally I want to come."

Gu Youyou saved many people in Lingnan back then, and she herself was the most popular in Lingnan, so Lingnan also raised the most supplies.

The long line of carriages made King Jin's eyes turn red.

Why is this woman?
(End of this chapter)

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