Chapter 1020
Gu Youyou laughed and said, "I will write you a letter after you go back to Lingnan."

Ban Xia lowered her head, blushed suddenly, and said, "I might get married this time when I go back."

"You want to get married?" Gu Youyou was slightly surprised.

She had asked Ban Xia similar questions before. She said that a person like her would not be able to get married, and she did not plan to get married in this life, but Gu Youyou never mentioned it again.

After all, this is her sad thing.

Now she took the initiative to say that she wanted to get married?
Gu Youyou was surprised and smiled: "Really? That's really congratulations. Where is the other party from? Does his family not care?"

The current Pinellia is the attending doctor of Lingnan Jishengtang, a person of status, Gu Youyou doesn't want her to marry her down because of her husband's fate.

Ban Xia shook his head and said, "No, he has no family."

Oh, orphans?

"You also know this person, the steward of Lingnan Jishengtang, Fang Xi."

So it was Fang Xi?
Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows.

Fang Xi was a manager brought up by Gu Youyou when she was about to leave Lingnan.

He was bought by Yue Rujing. Gu Youyou remembered that he was a book boy, and he was sold after the death of the master. He was literate, so he bought him for this reason.

Gu Youyou's influence on Fangxi is not much anymore, he only knows that this person's accounts are clear and his writing is good.

Looking at characters is like looking at people, since Banxia has taken a fancy to him, and he is not so superstitious, he seems to be a pretty good person.

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Okay, after I return to the capital, I will have someone send you a congratulatory gift."

It is a pity that I cannot attend their wedding.

The capital is really far away from Lingnan, she has no chance to go there.


A simple carriage Gu Youyou and others set off on the road. This place is not too far from the capital. If they ride a carriage like them and are not in a hurry, it will take about seven or eight days.

Jin Zijin sent a message, telling her to go back to the capital as soon as she finished her work, so she planned to go to Jinxiu City first, but it was avoided.

The carriage jolted violently, and several people in the carriage were shaken crookedly.

Gu Youyou grabbed the side window of the carriage and asked loudly, "What's going on?"

What responded to her was the sound of a sword.

Gu Youyou was shocked. Before she could say anything, the carriage suddenly turned over, and Gu Youyou and Circe in the carriage also fell out of the carriage.

They are taking the official road, the emperor attaches great importance to it, they are picked up by various state capitals along the way, it should be very safe, who is so bold?
"Sister Youyou, hide quickly." Qin Changlin threw the two of them out, quickly holding a wooden stick in his hand.

Gu Youyou quickly escaped from the dagger for self-defense, thinking: Qin Changlin might as well hold a dagger with a wooden stick.

Can your stick kill someone?
"What are they?" Circe seemed calmer than Gu Youyou and Qin Changlin, holding a few silver needles in her hand.

Her silver needle was different from Gu Youyou's, her silver needle sealed her throat with blood.

It was almost dark, and the setting sun had already fallen to the horizon. Those men in black came against the light, and the blood splashed was terrifying. On this official road, it was like a Shura field in the world.

The fighting of these people is different from what Gu Youyou has seen in the past. They fight desperately. Gu Youyou guesses that this is the dead man Jin Zijin mentioned.

The bodyguard team that Jin Zijin arranged for Gu Youyou was also dead men. When these two groups of people met together, the people sent by the local government to Gu Youyou were like tofu, and they could be cut as they please.

(End of this chapter)

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