Chapter 1022 Arrested

"Qin Changlin, take him back." Circe gritted his teeth and whispered.

The voice seemed to come out from the gap between the teeth, full of helplessness, and a shivering chill.

This little woman, the fortitude and perseverance revealed in her body, made their men feel ashamed.

"Go ahead, the worst thing is to die, but I will definitely let myself die before her." Qin Changlin said firmly.

He usually talks nonsense, but it is rare for him to say a pleasant sentence.

Ser Xisai gave Qin Changlin a bag containing Yinhui, and said to him: "A long needle can seal the throat when it sees blood, and a short needle can make people unconscious. Be careful."

Gu Yunxi refused to let go after beating him to death, and Circe finally kicked him before kicking him away.

From the moment Gu Youyou rescued her from Mrs. Lu's hands, she owed her life.

It was she who gave her a chance to be reborn and made her forget that her name was Lu Xueying, but now, her name is Circe.

Gu Youyou said that this is the name of a witch in mythology, which suits her very well. She guessed that the witch she was talking about probably meant evil gods. Yes, she is an evil god. She is poisoned all over her body, and whoever touches her will be unlucky.

"Stop." Circe stood up and said loudly to the men in black.

"It's me you want, let the innocent people go, and come at me if you want to beat or kill."

Everyone stopped and looked at the woman who stood like a stoic grass in the pool of blood of the dead body.

One of the men in black slightly raised his hand back, and a large number of men in black took a step back.

As for Jin Zijin's people, there were not many left, and there were still five people alive, all of whom were seriously injured.

Circe said to them, "You have done your best. Even though you are dead, you don't need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

Everyone looked around, covered their wounds and stepped back.

Gu Yunxi hid behind the carriage, and Qin Changlin pulled him, tears streaming down his face.

I only blame myself for being useless, I can't even protect myself, let alone her.

A man in black came up, glanced at the three people behind the carriage, and said coldly, "Take all the women away."

As far as he knew, a dead man would not let the person he protected be put in danger at the moment he was still alive.

And these people, although they were seriously injured, did not fall down. They backed away because this woman was not the one they wanted to protect.

"Who are you?" Circe panicked.

If she can't do anything even if she loses herself, then she really can't do anything.

"You don't need to know who we are, but to be on the safe side, we have to take away the two women in your group."

He looked at the dead soldiers who picked up their knives again, and said, "Are you going to die, or are you going to report back alive?"

They don't say anything, they are desperate, this is their life.

"Back down." Circe yelled at them loudly, saying, "Didn't I understand enough just now? There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. Take those two useless ones back."

"Okay, refreshing!" said the man in black.


When Gu Youyou woke up, she had already returned to the carriage, and Circe was beside her.

She was still a little dizzy, it was night, she couldn't see Circe's face clearly, she only saw her sitting motionless.

It seemed that there was no major problem. Gu Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, sat up straight, and asked, "What's the situation now? How did we escape?"

"Escape?" Circe said angrily, "I want all the girls, we were both arrested."

(End of this chapter)

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