Chapter 1030 see Mrs. Ru
"Exactly." Yu Jiang said.

"En." The fifth prince nodded slightly, and said: "Since the grace of saving life has been repaid, it's fine, let's take her down."

Gu Youyou had been standing next to Yu Jiang and listening to the two of them talking, she was taken down without a single line, she was a little bit awkward.

There were only Yu Jiang and the fifth prince in the room, and the fifth prince gradually frowned.

"You want me to use her to threaten Jin Zijin?"

Yu Jiang smiled lightly and said: "No, my lord, it's not that you use her to threaten Jin Zijin, but we invite Miss Gu to come as a guest. Miss Gu was very kind to our little lord back then, so let's invite her to come and be a guest." It's normal to thank you, as for when she will go back, it depends on when you can return to Xining safely from the capital."

The fifth prince stroked his beard and nodded lightly, and said, "It's a good idea, but what if Jin Zijin doesn't care about this woman's life as much as you think?"

"My lord, you don't know something, he cares a lot."

Therefore, Yu Jiang told the Fifth Prince exactly what he had found.

After listening to Yu Jiang's words, the fifth prince was full of confidence in this trip to the capital.

They don't intend to tell Jin Zijin now that Gu Youyou is in their hands, and they will be surprised enough when they talk about it in the capital.

"In that case, I will return to Jin Zijin tomorrow and tell him that he can leave for the capital."

"That's right, the news of Gu Youyou's disappearance will reach Jin Zijin's ears very soon, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

Gu Youyou and Circe were imprisoned in the Xining Palace, but Jin Zijin didn't know it.

He was just a little surprised why the fifth prince suddenly agreed to go to the capital.

With the strong uneasiness in his heart, he took the Fifth Prince on the journey back to Beijing.

Three days later, Gu Youyou was allowed to walk out of the yard.

"What the hell are they doing?" Circe felt uneasy, so why not Gu Youyou.

For the first time in these years, it was so bottomless.

Gu Youyou shook her head slightly with a sullen face, then sat under a poplar tree.

The courtyard here is not like the buildings in Xining, and it still has the flavor of southern gardens. It's just that some southern plants are not easy to grow here, so many poplars are planted that are easy to feed.

Circe sat down opposite her, and said in a low voice: "Xining Palace is heavily guarded, and we didn't run on the road, and we couldn't run away when we got here. But it's been so long, has the eldest prince already known what happened to you? He will Didn't think you were in Xining?"

Gu Youyou still shook her head slightly, her intuition told her that this time it might be more serious.

There were footsteps outside the courtyard. There were many of them, with light steps, and they were women.

Gu Youyou whispered: "Someone is here, maybe it's the fifth prince's woman."

This is what she guessed, for such an important 'guest' of hers, the only one who can bring a bunch of people with her is the woman of the Fifth Prince.

Sure enough, soon some women walked in at the round gate of the yard, the one who was the Taoist was the oldest, but she didn't look old, she was a very charming beauty.

Gu Youyou didn't know whether to address her as madam or princess, so she just stood up and looked at her without saying a word.

The other party was much more courteous than she imagined, and brought a group of maids to salute Gu Youyou respectfully.

"See the eldest princess."

Gu Youyou was only a prisoner, and she didn't let down her vigilance just because the other party saluted her, or called her the eldest concubine.

She stared at her, and said quietly: "Are you Madam or Princess?"

(End of this chapter)

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