Chapter 1038 Repentance
Jin Zijin also followed many people, seeing Gu Youyou walking towards him, he let the Fifth Prince be released.

The distance between the two parties was about a hundred feet, and Gu Youyou was in a very complicated mood. While approaching him, he was cautious at the same time, holding a silver needle hidden in his sleeve in his hand.

The fifth prince was calm and calm, and when he approached Gu Youyou, he showed a meaningful smile.

This made Gu Youyou even more uneasy.

Jin Zijin traded the Fifth Prince in exchange for him so easily, she was so important to him, how could these people let her go so easily?

This group of back-and-forth people, wouldn't they use her to continue threatening her?
Both parties were so far away from Gu Youyou, she felt that if something went wrong, it must be the fifth prince.

She stayed away from the fifth prince as much as possible, but he seemed to see her intentions, and moved his steps calmly, approaching her.

Gu Youyou was startled, and her forward steps slowed down.

Sure enough, the old guy didn't feel at ease.

Jin Zijin frowned, and took out the red dagger.

Behind him, Circe, who met halfway, took out a short bamboo and put it to his mouth.

The closer you get, the more oppressive the surrounding air becomes.

Gu Youyou was a little nervous, she had never seen the Fifth Prince make a move, but based on her experience, the men in the Jin family should all have good skills, that weak woman, the silver needle in her hand is her only chance, how to use it It's not that easy to get it just right.

Three feet!

Two feet!

one zhang...

Getting closer and closer to him, when there was less than a foot away, the fifth prince in front of him, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, put away his smile, suddenly burst into laughter, and came to Gu Youyou in an instant, strangling her slender neck. live.

At the same time, in the direction of Jin Zijin, a bright red dagger flew towards the Fifth Prince with a howl piercing the sky. Behind the dagger was a long flame.

One after the other, three small silver needles flew out from the bamboo tube near Circe's lips, in case Gu Youyou was accidentally injured, she used anesthetics, not poison that sealed her throat with blood.

The Fifth Prince caught Gu Youyou, and a finger-long blade suddenly grew out of the ring in his hand. With a backhand blow, it made a clear collision sound with the dagger shot by Jin Zijin, and the finger-thick blade broke in response. , buried in the soil.

However, the fierce attack of the red dagger did not stop because of this. Although the block took off a lot of its strength, it still forced the fifth prince to take a few steps back.

Jin Zijin had already used his lightness kung fu to rush towards this direction, and Circe's three silver needles also flew to the front. The fifth prince was still in shock, and barely escaped Jin Zijin's dagger just now, but he didn't want to fly three more silver needles.

Gu Youyou was thrown to the front without mercy by him, and he used it as a shield.

As soon as the three silver needles with a strong anesthetic entered his body, Gu Youyou could only swear, fuck you.

But she didn't suffer, the silver needle hidden in her hand was also inserted into the Fifth Prince's body by her at the last moment.

It was too late for the fifth prince to find out. Although he avoided the vital part of his body, he was inserted into his arm by the silver needle. In just a moment, his right hand lost feeling, and Gu Youyou also fell to the ground.

Furiously, he used his left hand to grab Gu Youyou who was on the ground, but a dagger flew behind him.

The clear sound of howling swords entered his eardrums, and he only felt pain in his eardrums.The fifth prince had no choice but to withdraw his hand, avoiding the sharp blade.

 It was twelve o'clock again, and my eyes were tired. The manuscripts I posted recently were all sent directly. I don't know if there are many typos.

  Let's just leave it at that, and post the other five chapters at noon, Wan Geng is still under a lot of pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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