Chapter 1041 Begin to doubt Master

He always thought that the master would tell him the secrets of Taoism one day, maybe when he won the national teacher, but he never thought about it, all of this was in the master's calculation, he never told him As an apprentice who inherited the mantle, he might just be an obedient wretch to Huo Li and Yu Jizi.

A poor wretch who was sacrificed once a major event was accomplished.

Huo Li's face turned pale, and his lips trembled slightly.

Looking at Jin Zijin, it took him a while to say a word.

"How do you want me to believe you?"

Jin Zijin said: "I'm only responsible for telling you these things. As for whether you believe it or not, it's up to you. I'll give you three days to think about it. After thinking about it, go find me in the city."

Huo Li watched Jin Zijin go out and leave, feeling unable to calm down for a long time.

He had never heard of these Taoist secrets, but Jin Zijin knew it very well, because Tianjizi did not hide it from him.

He still remembered that time, when he brought food to Master, he saw what Master was drawing, but Master kicked him out very angrily that time, and now thinking of Master's appearance at that time, he still has lingering fears in his heart.

Master has always been a kind old man, and he rarely showed such an expression.

Is it true that as Jin Zijin said, he has been studying the method of life continuation?That blueprint is the Blood Sacrifice Soul-Transferring Formation. The master is old and wants to change to a young body to continue living in this world. The reason why he has reservations about himself is because he never intends to use Xuanzong, Taoism, into the hands of others.

His goal is not only Taoism, but also the court.

Thinking of this, Huo Li was shocked.


If the emperor wants to send troops to deal with Xining, he will definitely not use all his soldiers.

None of the few armed men could escape.

Yue Rujing set off back to Lingnan, and he was willing to let Yue Tingfang borrow troops to use for Jin Zijin, but he didn't know if he would like to help Jin Moning fight Jin Mocong.

On the other hand, the emperor recruited Duke Protector into the palace, and instead of meeting him in the Qianqing Palace, he was invited directly to the Jiaotai Palace where the Queen used to entertain guests.

The old man in the Duke's Mansion has lived to be more than 80 years old, how can he not know what the emperor wants to do?

At first he was reluctant to come and pretended to be sick at home.

Anyway, he is getting old, so it's not one or two times to pretend to be sick, it's a normal thing, but this time the emperor doesn't seem to be so easy to fool, so he directly asked Wan Decheng to send a message to the Duke's mansion, saying that the protector is getting old It's really inappropriate to be sick every three days and go to court every few days. It's really inappropriate to work so hard.It's better to let the protector of the country abdicate as soon as possible to let the virtuous, so that he can return home to enjoy the rest of his life.

This means that if he doesn't go, he will take his rights because he is sick?

How can this work?As long as his old bones live for a day, he will hold the power of the Duke's Mansion in his hands for a day.

He is already at this age, if he can't see King Jin take the position of crown prince, he won't give up power unless he dies.

"The old minister sees the emperor and the queen."

After all, he is an old man in his 80s, and he is not the kind of person Yujizi and Tianjizi. Ordinary people in their 80s are already very old. When they entered the Jiaotai Palace, the Duke Hu Guo was a little out of breath.

"Duke Protector, please sit down."

The emperor had prepared a chair for him a long time ago, maybe there will be a protracted battle today.

The queen was sitting next to the emperor, looking worried at Duke Hu's trembling body.

After saying a few polite words, the emperor got straight to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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