Chapter 1044 Figured it out
"This..." The Duke Protector's complexion changed again and again, with a look of embarrassment.

The emperor said: "Accordingly, the northwest desert is the closest to Beiping and the capital. If we send troops, we must do so from near to far. My arrangement has already caused Lingnan and Dongzhou to suffer. If the protector of the country has concerns... you can go back. Think about the consequences."

The emperor's tone was always calm, until the end, there was a strong sense of coldness.

The queen looked at Duke Hu Guo worriedly, and said in her heart: Your Majesty has already talked about this, if he still disagrees, he will definitely be in a hurry.It would be really troublesome if he was in a hurry and passed on the throne to Jin Zijin.

"Grandpa, the emperor is right." The queen said in a low voice.

In this way, the queen also got a gentle smile from the emperor.

She only hoped that the emperor could carefully weigh the pros and cons with the help of her government's government to the emperor over the years, and think clearly before passing on the throne.

The Lord Protector thought over and over again, if he disagreed, wouldn't it be the Emperor and the Duke's Mansion who would be the most unlucky to cause trouble in Xining?
If you change someone to be the emperor, Lingnan is still Lingnan, Dongzhou is still Dongzhou, and the ones who are replaced are only the emperor and the government.

After weighing the pros and cons, he said: "Since this is the case, if both Lingnan and Dongzhou contribute [-] each, the old minister will definitely find a way to let Xiaoer mobilize [-] elite soldiers. It's just that at that time, the soldiers from all directions are in charge, and who will be the commander-in-chief?" Woolen cloth?"

"Let the soldiers go to Xining first, as for the coach, those who are capable will stay."


Beiping is done, Lingnan has Yue Rujing with Jin Zijin's autographed letter, I believe that Yuehou Lord's side is not too big of a problem.

The only thing that is most difficult now is Dongzhou.

The evening breeze was blowing, Gu Youyou, like Jin Zijin, was reading military books.

Someone came to report that Xuanzong Huo Li visited.

Gu Youyou looked at Jin Zijin in surprise, "It's so late, what is Huo Li doing here?"

The corner of Jin Zijin's mouth curled into a smile, and he put down his military strategy and said in a low voice, "Good thing!"

Gu Youyou pursed her lips, and said, "What good can you do in the middle of the night? If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, it's either rape or robbery!"

Gu Youyou heard footsteps approaching, put down the book, and retreated behind the screen.

She didn't want to see Huo Li, so she had better avoid it for a while.

And in this era, there is no woman in that family who sees a foreign man in the middle of the night.

Huo Li came out of the darkness dressed in black, and the lamp that the boy was carrying couldn't illuminate his dark figure.

Jin Zijin turned on the light in the study and made a pot of tea.

"Please sit down!" He said to Huo Li, and poured tea for him himself.

It might be a sleepless night tonight, so drinking more tea can just refresh you.

"En!" Huo Li nodded lightly, thanked Jin Zijin again, and sat down again.

"Have you figured it out?" Jin Zijin sat down opposite him and took a sip of tea.

"Heh..." Huo Li smiled wryly, his face looked extremely bitter, he said: "He has always been the person I trust the most, I have never failed to listen to his words, and I strive to do what he told me to do Perfection, strict control over the juniors in the sect, is it for the sake of Xuanzong? I can't figure it out, why would he do that? He can fight for immortality, but why is he being nice to me and being defensive at the same time? I?"

"Isn't this normal? After teaching the disciples, the master starved to death, but he didn't want to die." Jin Zijin said lightly.

Depressed, Huo Li picked up his teacup and drank it down.

Who is to blame?It's only because he followed a perverted master.

(End of this chapter)

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