Chapter 1046 Goodbye Gu Family

"What is it?" Huo Li seemed a little excited, "If it's not difficult, I can promise you."

Whether the master can come back is still up for debate. If he really can't come back, he can't always lead Xuanzong's juniors with their tails between their legs. Making this deal with Jin Zijin seems to be a good choice.

Of course, it still depends on what conditions Jin Zijin offered.

"Go to Fusang City in the East China Sea, find General Che, and ask him to agree to send an army of [-] to attack Xining. Don't rush to refuse, I know you can do it."

Huo Li looked at Jin Zijin in surprise, and after a while, he lowered his head and drank a cup of tea.

Holding an empty teacup, he asked, "This tea is delicious, what kind of tea is it?"

"Old tea from Qishan!" Jin Zijin said.

Qishan is the ancestral land of Taoism. For so many years, Huo Li has been staying in the Sanqing Temple and has never been to Qishan.

He suddenly wanted to go to Mount Qi to see what the Taoist Paradise opened up by the sages really looked like?

Gu Youyou returned to the capital and rested for a few days before Jin Zijin let her go out with confidence.

"Be careful along the way and come back early."

Gu Youyou said: "Don't worry, I'm just going to Jinxiu City, and it's not far away. The official road along this road is very peaceful."

"Hey, it's troublesome every time I let you out!" Jin Zijin sighed helplessly.

At the same time, he also knew that it was impossible for Gu Youyou to stay at home all day like ordinary women. Of course, it would not be so much trouble for ordinary women to go out.

It was also Gu Yunxi who was driving the carriage, and Gu Youyou was sitting in the carriage with Circe. Circe was playing with a pot, and she said with a sinister smile, "This time I was fully prepared, there are all poisonous bees here."

Next to her is a cowhide backpack, which contains her belongings at the bottom of the box.

Gu Youyou couldn't help but think that Xuanzong's people would not attack her, and all the anti-king forces had withdrawn to Xining. She really couldn't think of anyone who would suddenly attack her.

The mountain she and Circe went to last time, after she came back, she drew the blueprint and handed it to Jin Zijin. Jin Zijin went to flatten the mountain on the grounds of suppressing bandits, but when he went there, people had already gone there The mountain was empty and there was no one there.

They arrived at Jinxiu City safely, and under the leadership of Miss Du, they came to a courtyard.

The members of the Gu family all live here, the yard is quite big, it's just right for them to live here.

"Yuyou?" Huang Xiangwen was drying a basin of clothes.

"Big sister?" Erya was holding Yueya and teaching her how to walk.

Hearing their voices, people in the house came to the yard one after another.

Gu Youyou greeted them with a smile, and asked someone to bring the gifts out of the carriage.

"Is everyone used to living here?"

A few years later, from Gu Youyou lying in that forbidden dark room as a burden to the whole family, to now she is shining brightly and becoming the support of the whole family, all of this is like a dream, so far away that it is unreal.

When they had nowhere to go, she resolutely entered the disaster area and found them on that mountain. After all, this girl rescued them in their most difficult time.

Thinking of all the past, Huang Xiangwen burst into tears.

"Yuyou, Second Aunt is sorry for you!"

The relatives are happy to meet each other, but at the same time, there is a touch of sadness in this courtyard.

They had treated her that way.

"The things of the past are in the past. Every death of a loved one means one less. Everyone must live a good life. It's important to live a good life."

Grandpa is just an ordinary old farmer, and many of his words are worth thinking about.

(End of this chapter)

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