Chapter 1062 The Rules of Bandits

What if the collection is too much, and the merchants don't take this road once?
Since the merchants didn't feel scared, everyone could accept the price they bid.

A middle-aged man with a long scar on his face stopped the horse, turned over and got off the horse. With a ferocious smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said to the merchants, "Master Yun, Master Qiao, Mrs. Luo... Long time no see, Yu misses all of you very much. I don't know what kind of big business you are doing in Xining this time?"

A middle-aged man clasped his hands and said with a smile: "The head of Yu's words are serious. They are all small businesses. The big shopkeepers who do big businesses don't need to travel long distances to suffer such hardships."

The bandit surnamed Yu looks fierce, but he is actually quite easy to talk to.

He said: "Yu also knows that it's not easy for you to do business, and I don't want much, just enough to feed my brothers. Then Yu Mou will not be rough, and the shopkeepers should be more honest."

"That's that..." The middle-aged man pulled out a box and gave it to the bandit surnamed Yu.

The bandit surnamed Yu opened it and took a look, then closed the lid with satisfaction, and handed it to a young bandit behind him.

Soon, everyone expressed their intentions. One of the storekeepers surnamed Qiao lost his life, and the bandit surnamed Yu looked ugly and darkened.

"Shopkeeper Qiao, are you sending a beggar?"

Shopkeeper Qiao smiled apologetically and said, "Master Yu, business is not doing well recently, and I only used the coffin book to get out the money. Please see if you can be more flexible this time. Next time you earn money, you must make it up."

The bandit surnamed Yu put on a dark face, pulled out his knife, and said angrily, "I'm a bandit, not a businessman, and I don't bargain. Shopkeeper Qiao, if you think I'm getting too much money, you can go through Hutou Mountain." , see how much Thunder Tiger from Hutou Mountain charges you?"

Shopkeeper Qiao turned pale with fright, and hurriedly said: "No, no, that's not what I meant. The main reason is that the business has lost money recently. It's really..."

The bandit surnamed Yu interrupted him with a sneer, and said: "Didn't you use the coffin money? Are you going to take more coffin money to honor Lao Tzu, or let Lao Tzu return this little money to send beggars to you and leave Let's go buy a coffin."

"Ah, no... Yu is the head of the family, I'm not..."

Everyone persuaded: "Shopkeeper Qiao, you should give it, the money can be earned later, life is gone, no matter how much money you keep, it is useless!"

"Yes, shopkeeper Qiao, you should give it quickly."

"Ah!" Shopkeeper Qiao gritted his teeth with a bitter face, and took out two more ingots of silver.

He retreated into the crowd dejectedly, and complained to everyone: "I really lost money in my business, and my pocket is so shy! The money is the money I bought, what should I do?"

The bandits don't care what you do?Shopkeeper Qiao looked disheartened, but he was helpless.

Everyone paid enough money, and finally it was Miss Du's turn.

Before she came, she didn't know the situation on the road, and she didn't bring much cash.Looking at the money handed over by other shopkeepers just now, it seems that she doesn't have enough cash.As a last resort, she took out some banknotes.

"Master Yu, the little girl doesn't bring much money, do you think this bank note is worth it? It was issued by Changsheng Bank."

"Silver ticket?" The bandit surnamed Yu raised his eyebrows, and narrowed his eyes again when he saw the exquisite face under the cloak.

"Which shopkeeper are you? I haven't seen it before."

(End of this chapter)

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