Chapter 1064
Mrs. Luo's eyes were red, she seemed most anxious, and said: "We met a bandit before, and handed over the money like before, but we didn't expect that bandit to take a fancy to a female shopkeeper along our way, and took her with her. All the maids in the house were kidnapped, and they said they were taken back to be his Mrs. Yazhai."

"That's right, two of the servants she brought resisted and were killed on the spot." Shopkeeper Qiao pointed to the two small breakthroughs not far away, and said, "Everyone worked together to give the two guardian servants Buried, the female shopkeeper was afraid of hurting the innocent again, so she asked the other servants to stop, and she was taken away by the bandit.

The rest of the servants have already gone back to report the news, we are still in shock, we are going to take a rest and prepare to leave.well!There is still such a long way to go, and I still don't know what will happen next? "

"Are there many bandits along the way?" the young man asked with a frown.

Shopkeeper Qiao said: "There are quite a few, but most of them are seeking money. There are not many people who killed and robbed people like this time. Alas! If you only blame Ms. Du for being unlucky, she herself is really, really good-looking. You should hide and let a servant come out to deal with it."

"Miss Du?" The young man's heart skipped a beat and he asked urgently, "Miss Du from that family."

Mrs. Luo said: "It's the head of Manxiulou, Miss Du!"

The young man's face turned pale in an instant, and he could hardly stand still.

Miss Du, Miss Du from Manxiulou?
He pulled the shopkeeper Qiao and asked anxiously, "Where are those bandits? Where did they go?"

Shopkeeper Qiao was taken aback by the young man's sudden change of face, pointed in one direction and said hesitantly, "Then...over there!"

The young man let go of shopkeeper Joe, suddenly pulled out a long sword from the goods dragged on horseback, and shouted loudly to the caravan behind him: "Everyone obey orders, chase the bandits!"

"General, we..."

Some people disapproved of his approach, but the young man had already rode away, and they had to follow.

Mrs. Luo and the others were stunned, watching those disguised people walk away.

"Are they from the government?"

"Not like, more like someone who kills the enemy on the battlefield."

"Yes, that person is the general."

"Ah, that's great. It must be that the imperial court finally wants to control the bandits nearby, and sent people from the army to suppress the bandits."

"But there are too few people, right? There are only a few dozen, but Yu's team of bandits has hundreds of people."

"No problem, the bandits are all mobs, and there are only a few people with real skills. How can they resist the people in the army?"

Everyone has different opinions, but they are still full of hope for this bandit suppression.

In any case, these bandits are under the control of someone. Shopkeeper Qiao even thought, if the general wiped out the bandits, would he return his money?

That is really his coffin book!

Gu Youyou took the needle to make the general style of the new clothes, but accidentally pricked her hand.

She hissed in pain, and quickly raised her bleeding finger to look at it.

Hearing this voice, Jin Zijin put down his book of war and raised his head to look at her, "What's wrong?"

Gu Youyou felt a little flustered, and said in a daze, "'s okay, I accidentally pricked my hand."

Jin Zijin stood up, walked up to her, took her hand over, put it in his mouth and sucked it.

After a while, he let go and said, "Why are you so careless?"

Gu Youyou said: "Suddenly a little flustered, by the way, is it safe to go to Xining now? Xining is going to fight with the imperial court, won't they implicate the merchants near the capital?"

(End of this chapter)

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