Chapter 1078
How is it now? You have been married for so long, and the eldest prince spoils you alone, and you have not received any good news. Is it because your body is simply unable to bear children?

If you can't have a child, it's no big deal. Since the royal family has chosen you, they will naturally not treat you badly, but you must not delay the continuation of the heir because of you.This palace is in charge, choose a side concubine and two noble concubines for the first prince, this way the first prince's mansion will be more lively, what do you think? "

She kindly made a mahjong table for her.

Lin Qianqing twisted her handkerchief and looked at her worriedly. She knew that one of the people selected by the empress was the second daughter of Prime Minister Zhang. That woman was not as talented as her sister, but she had a lot more heart than her sister. , not to mess with.

Cousin, you must not agree.

Concubine Qin was expressionless, other people's affairs had nothing to do with her, she just leaned gently on the back of the chair to rest.

Gu Youyou respectfully said to the queen: "I can't decide this matter, you should ask the eldest prince if he agrees."

The queen smiled and said: "Of course I want to ask him, but I don't want to make you sad, so I will tell you first, don't worry about what the eldest prince thinks, just talk about what you think, but you are still willing ?”

Ha ha……

Gu Youyou said with a dry smile: "If the queen mother only asks for Yoyo's opinion, then Yoyo should also boldly say her own opinion. If you say to find a concubine for your husband, then if Yoyo readily accepts it, then there must be something wrong with your brain.

Yoyo used to have some physical problems, but her mind was always sober, so Yoyo didn't want to. "

"You... bold!"

The empress did not expect that Gu Youyou would reject it outright, and even refused it so treacherously.

If it were an ordinary woman, she would nod if she didn't want to. It would be considered bold to push this trouble to a man, but Gu Youyou not only pushed this trouble to a man, but she also... directly and angrily refused.

If these words are spoken, she will be labeled as jealous, isn't she afraid?

"Mother, Yoyo is just telling the truth!" Gu Youyou said calmly.

The queen snorted coldly, and said: "You are so jealous, you are in vain as the royal daughter-in-law. The continuation of the royal blood is the most important thing for the princes, but you can't help it.

The eldest prince's mansion has been vacant for a long time, and the main concubine has been infertile for a long time. This Palace will make decisions for you and give the eldest prince a side concubine and two noble concubines. "

Gu Youyou looked at her indifferently, and did not refute.

If you want to force people into the mansion, you can ignore me, a concubine with no background, but Jin Zijin is not afraid of you, if you have the ability, you can force a few women for him to try in front of him?
It's a small matter to go back, and it's not good to make the queen's face look bad.

The queen glared at Gu Youyou coldly, seeing that she did not object anymore, she let her go temporarily.

In a blink of an eye, she shifted her gaze to Lin Qianqing's body, and that gaze suddenly became a little colder.

"Concubine Jin, since you were young, I have liked you very much, but you are talking about why there is no news of concubine Ji's pregnancy in Prince Jin's mansion so far?"

Gu Youyou was also very puzzled by this question. It must have been more than two years. King Jin married so many women, but none of them were pregnant.

There might be something wrong with King Jin's body. There are many reasons for infertility. Without modern technology, it is difficult to diagnose. Maybe King Jin will die.

 Starting today, there will be a total of eight chapters updated every day. If there are any changes, we will notify everyone again, okay! !

(End of this chapter)

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