Chapter 1080 No Children

Concubine Qin stood up and nodded slightly, her appearance was precarious.

She wanted to, but she had to have a chance!

"Yes, Queen Mother!"

"Well, you guys go, I'm tired today!" The queen supported her head with one hand, looking extremely tired.

Gu Youyou left Jiaotai Hall refreshed, feeling indescribably comfortable.

In the queen's bedroom, the ladies waited until the day lily was cold, and they were waiting for the empress to let someone announce it, but they waited and waited, but no one came.

"There will be no surprises, will there?"

"What accident could happen? Could it be that she, Gu Youyou, dared not agree?"

"It's been so long, why hasn't the empress announced us?"

"If you don't announce it, just wait. The Empress will not keep you overnight."

As for the empress, she obviously forgot about those ladies. The son is barren and sick. This is a great shame. How can she sit still?

He hurriedly asked people to go to Jinwang's mansion and called Jinwang into the palace.

"Queen mother, why do you call me son?" Jin Wang was puzzled, and only called the princess into the palace in the morning, and just after the princess came back, he was called into the palace again.

He thought to himself: Could it be Lin Qianqing who caused him trouble?

The empress looked pale, turned away from the left and right, and said: "Tell the empress honestly, are you not good?"

"What?" King Jin had no idea what she was talking about.

The queen could only bite the bullet and said: "There are so many women in your mansion, and you have been married for so long, why is everyone not pregnant? Tell me honestly, is there something wrong with you?"

"Ah?" King Jin's face turned dark blue, and he said anxiously, "Queen Mother, who told you this?"

"Don't ask who told you, just tell me, won't you?"

"I... Why can't I? Mother, you worry too much. My son is in good health." Men would feel embarrassed when they said such things.King Jin is angry and embarrassed here.

I don't know who is talking nonsense in the mother's ear. By the way, Lin Qianqing, it must be her. Well, let's see how I deal with you when I go back.

"But why none of your concubines are pregnant? Look at King Qin. Although the first child is a daughter, the daughter of Xie's family is about to give him twins. Xiao Ran, your father won't hand over the throne to him. It was in the hands of a prince who has no heirs. It may be because of this reason that your father has been reluctant to make you the prince."

Once she thought this way, the queen's thoughts became uncontrollable. She felt that her son could not find any reason why he could not be a prince except for having no heirs.

Yes, it must be so.

Thinking of this, she felt as if the sky was about to collapse.

She can help him fight for anything he lacks, but she can't help him with the matter of giving birth to a son.

"How is this good? How is this good...Xiao Ran, the queen mother has been strong all her life and has never lost to anyone. If I lose because you have no children, how can I be worthy of the Duke's mansion who has always supported us? Have you ever Grandfather is already old, how can he withstand such a blow?"

King Jin's mind kept turning. Hearing what the queen said, he felt that this problem was very serious.

Could it be that I really can't give birth?
But he can obviously have sex?
But if it is possible to conceive, how can it be explained that there is no such thing as being able to conceive a child in Prince Jin's mansion.

This issue is serious and cannot be disclosed.

After a few turns of his thoughts, King Jin's mind lit up, and he suddenly thought of a trick.

(End of this chapter)

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