Chapter 1082 Difficulties
It's Jishengtang again, and it's related to Gu Youyou again?
The queen was so angry that her lungs would explode.

"You don't change your mind, do you?"

The King of Jin hurriedly smiled at the Queen: "I am also in a hurry. Isn't the Jishengtang ready-made? For example, Circe of the Jishengtang in the capital has never been married, and the doctor who heads the Jishengtang in Lingnan is also a daughter. Yes, but that woman’s life is not good, I’ve seen her husband died when she got married, and there is also a female doctor in Jisheng Hall in Yangguan City, she is the daughter of the head of the family.”

"It's all from Jishengtang?" The queen's complexion darkened again and again.

King Jin said in a low voice: "The female doctors in Jishengtang are good at medical skills, especially Circe. I heard that they are better than Gu Youyou's. Wasn't Gu Youyou sick before? Xi helped her heal.

Moreover, there were many people suffering from tuberculosis during the frequent floods before. Before Gu Youyou came, Circe had been taking care of it. Gu Youyou came by coincidence. When she came, she took the credit of Circe and became her cure up.Circe is no worse than Gu Youyou at all, the only difference is that she is not the boss and has no control over her. "

Hearing King Jin's compliments to Circe, the queen gradually became tempted.

Because she listened to Gu Youyou's bad words, Gu Youyou's medical skills are actually not good, and her own life was treated by another female doctor.If the son really married this female doctor back home, and then opened a medical clinic to fight against Gu Youyou, then the myth of Gu Youyou's genius doctor would be self-defeating. She is a liar, a liar who takes credit for others.

Thinking of this, the queen became excited.

"Really?" she asked.

"Of course it's true, Queen Mother, not only my sons and ministers know about it, but also the people in the disaster area."

"It's unreasonable!" The queen slapped the armrest violently, and asked again: "Who is this female doctor? Why is the name so strange?"

King Jin shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. I heard that after Gu Youyou returned to Lin's house from Qishan, she brought Circe with her. Her identity was the doctor next to Circe. Later, she was kicked out by Mrs. Lin for doing something wrong. She came out, and she has been in Jishengtang since then."

"Cersi!" The queen narrowed her eyes, thought carefully, and said, "In this case, the queen mother will worry about this for you. You go back first, and the mother will notify you when there is news."

Since this female doctor has superb medical skills, even if her son is sick, she can be cured well.

She thinks this is not bad. Compared with the old beggar's fate, she thinks it is much more reliable for her son to marry a concubine with high medical skills to go home, and this concubine can quietly cure his illness.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was feasible. If the female doctor secretly cured her son's illness and saved her face, it would be better than finding an imperial doctor to cure her, right?
King Jin was so happy that he wanted to jump up, thanking him with joy.

"Thank you mother!"

When the queen returned to Kunning Palace, she remembered the three young ladies who had been left cold by her for a whole day.

Their affairs were not done properly, which made the queen a headache.

She sent Nanny Li to deal with the matter.

"Go and tell them, go back first, the timing is not right, let's talk about it in a few days."

"Yes, empress!"

"Hey, wait!" The queen called out Nanny Li again.

"What orders does the empress have?"

The Queen said: "Go and investigate a person as soon as possible, a female doctor named Circe in Jishengtang, and find out where she came from."

For the sake of her eldest grandson, she could tolerate King Jin marrying a female doctor back home, but she could not tolerate that this female doctor was someone of unknown origin.

There are too many uncertainties about people of unknown origin. What if someone from the enemy hurts her precious son?

(End of this chapter)

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