Chapter 1088 give her advice

According to her understanding of ancient women, especially ancient women like Miss Du, when such a thing happened, it was probably to be justified by death.But looking at Miss Du's appearance now, she obviously doesn't intend to do this.

It is naturally good not to commit suicide, so let's not care who the child's father is.

Gu Youyou took a serious tone, and said: "Well, I won't ask you. But if you feel that you have been bullied and want to seek revenge from that man, just tell me, and I will chop him up for you. This time you I met a bandit on the road, I also know about it, I let you go without thinking clearly, I'm sorry."

Miss Du sighed lightly: "It's nothing, just a false alarm."

Or maybe she and him have a bad relationship after all, even if there is no Xining and his party, it may end in other places and in other ways.

Gu Youyou really felt guilty towards her, and when she heard what Miss Du said, she became even more uneasy.

"But you are pregnant now, that man forced you?"

Miss Du shook her head and said, "Don't mention this matter, just think of a way for me, what should I do now."

Miss Du showed great impatience. It seemed that she really didn't want to get involved with that man.

Gu Youyou sighed: "Okay, then tell me what you plan to do first? Do you want to keep the child or not? If you don't keep it, it's easy. I'll prescribe medicine for you, and the child will fall off soon, no It takes too much of an impact on your body."

Miss Du's heart skipped a beat, she touched her belly and said, "What if I keep it?"

"Stay?" Gu Youyou looked at her in surprise, and couldn't help but guess who that man was?
If it is said that Miss Du fell in love with someone so quickly, she thinks it is impossible.

She is not that kind of person.

But if not?There is only one person in this world who can make Miss Du willing to give birth to a child with such a sad expression.

But isn't that person guarding the city gate in the East China Sea?
Could it be Xie Zhonglin?

Miss Du touched her belly and said, "If the news of my pregnancy spreads, I probably won't survive. Those people will definitely guess that the child belongs to bandits. After all, I was captured by bandits before, so it's no secret. "

All the servants who went to Xining with her at the beginning returned safely.

Gu Youyou comforted her, and said with a smile: "Then hide it so that no one will know, you can live here with peace of mind, and I will declare to the outside world that you went to a neighboring country to expand your business, and when the child is born, you will say that the child was adopted by you." Yes, do you see it like this?"

Miss Du's eyes lit up, but she still said worriedly: "But will others believe it?"

Gu Youyou frowned, and said: "A baby appeared suddenly, but this baby may have been born by you yourself, and some people will doubt it. Ah, how about this, you adopt a few more, my darling Big and small, both men and women, and adopt one who is as old as your child, and no one will doubt it."

"Ah?" Miss Du was stunned for a moment.

Gu Youyou explained: "It's normal for a single woman, a single woman who doesn't plan to marry, and a very rich single woman to adopt a lot of homeless children. Just treat it as charity. You earn so much money, you can't spend it all."

Hearing what Gu Youyou said, Miss Du felt that it made sense.

The haze of many days was swept away immediately, she rubbed her belly and smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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