It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1107 Resolved Huan's Sickness

Chapter 1107 Resolved Huan's Sickness

Usually there are maids guarding outside the courtyard, because they are eating extravagantly today, and the maids were transferred to help, so there is no one at this moment.

"What's the matter?" Xiang Toon asked.

The boy in the concierge said: "Someone asked to see our First Prince and Concubine, and said that she is from Mr. Xie's residence."

Xiang Toon didn't dare to delay at Mr. Xie's house, so he hurriedly reported to Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou put down the half-cooked skewers and stood up, and said to Miss Du: "Let me go and have a look, Mr. Xie is now in Xiefuzhong, maybe there is something urgent."

Although Miss Du has left Xie's house, she still respects Mr. Xie very much.After all, he was a friend of his parents before his death, and he once took care of himself when his father passed away.

She nodded and said, "Okay, go quickly. Wear thicker clothes, it's really cold outside now."

Xiang Toon has already taken out Gu Youyou's out clothes, a very large cloak that can cover her stomach.

Gu Youyou hesitated for a moment, then asked her to get the medicine box.

Generally speaking, people who come to Gu Youyou are for medical treatment.

Gu Youyou took the toon out this time, and Circe went out with the food box, and she knew where she went without asking, anyway, she couldn't be called back.

well!Women are not allowed to stay.

The person waiting outside the door was indeed Mr. Xie's servant, he was so anxious that he said, "See the eldest princess."

Gu Youyou raised her hand to make him stand up, and asked, "What's urgent, don't worry, speak slowly."

The servant said: "Yes, our lord is sick. It has been many days. The young masters are not at home, and the young lady is married again. The adult is alone at home. He is sick, and he refuses to let us go to the doctor. He has always been himself." Hold on. Now I can't hold it anymore, coughed up blood, and even passed out, the little one ran out to invite the eldest prince and concubine at the risk of being punished."

Gu Youyou was startled, and hurried into the carriage.

"Then go, don't delay."

Mr. Xie is an elderly person who has been ill for many days, coughed up blood and fainted. Hearing this servant talk is really scary.

Fortunately, she had the foresight to bring the medicine box.

The Xie mansion has become much more depressed, and Gu Youyou has never been here since Miss Du came back and took away Second Miss Du that year.

Later, Xie Qinyun got married, and the second young master Xie left the house again, and Mr. Xie was the only one left. He probably didn't have the heart to take care of the family's affairs, so the servants became more and more slack, and the yard was even a little messy.

It is winter now, if it is spring and summer, weeds must be overgrown.

Mr. Xie lived his life like this by himself.

Passing through the promenade and waterside pavilion, Gu Youyou came to the yard where the adults were known.

He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, and several servants were kneeling by his bed and weeping.

Gu Youyou took a look, then sat on the stool beside the bed to check it out for him.

He was very ill and passed out, but luckily his life was not in danger.

She said to the servants: "Did someone go to Qin Wangfu to inform your lady?"

A big servant girl said: "Go, I'm afraid it will take a while to come."

It's good to be notified, even if his sons are fighting, I'm afraid they won't be able to come back to see him.

In fact, Mr. Xie is a man with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. He hopes that his children will be around, but his sons and daughters are all grown up, so how can he control them?

"Let's all go out!"

The people in the room were so noisy that she couldn't use the needle.

Xiang Toon drove out the worthless people and guarded the door himself.

(End of this chapter)

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