Chapter 1114 Jin Zijin is back
"That's right, but I don't know if the price is really that low. If it's true, I'll go buy a few yuan right away, and first change the window in my study."

The person next to him pushed him away with a long white jade cigarette stick, pointed at the house outside and said, "Just you? It will be at least half a year after you buy the colored glaze here. According to inside information, the existing colored glaze has been sold Those high-ranking officials and dignitaries are all settled, so those of us who have a few pockets but no power can wait slowly."

The man who spoke was helpless, but this society is like this, the officials are the first, followed by the common people who are farming. As for them, rich businessmen, they have to be ranked last.

Scholars, farmers, businessmen, cheating system.What if you have more money?Low social status!
At this time, Gu Youyou had already taken the bosses to the second floor, where there was a huge meeting room and individual offices for the bosses.

The layout is elegant and grand, and these patrons have spent a lot of money, so they must feel that the money is worth it.

Then, Gu Youyou explained to them the various advantages and disadvantages of glass in the largest meeting room. The biggest disadvantage of glass is that it is fragile, so they can't just sell it, and they have to provide delivery and installation services to customers.

Because the size of the windows of each house may be different, it is generally necessary to go to the customer's home to measure the size first, and then come back to order.

This part can be charged separately, or the cost can be directly put into the glass, this decision is left to the bosses by Gu Youyou.

The bosses feel that they are valued and flattered.

At the same time, I feel that Gu Youyou is really a good person. As the largest shareholder, she didn't decide the marketing method by herself, and she can still discuss with them.

After thinking about it, they felt that the power should be determined by the guests themselves, lest anyone feel that they were cheated.

Different glass thicknesses and styles have different prices, and Gu Youyou also left the decision on pricing to them.

Anyway, these bosses are very clear about the cost.

They are all wealthy businessmen, and they are most sensitive to things like prices.

Gu Youyou touched her stomach, felt that it was almost done, so she got up and went back.

"Bosses, I have a special status today, so I can't stay outside for too long. Let's go here first for today's meeting. The remaining seven days are for exhibition time. The glass is fragile, so you have to pay more attention. For those who come to the exhibition Guests, speak clearly."

Everyone stood up and cupped their hands, saying: "Doctor Gu has worked hard, please go back first."

After Gu Youyou left, the guests who received the first invitation had to enter the room for a visit. There should not be too many guests accepted at one time, so that everyone can come in and have a look. In fact, seven days is far from enough.


Jin Zijin came back three days later, he rode back to Beijing alone, the army was still behind, and it would take another two days to return.

In the past, I am gone, Yangliu Yiyi;

Today I come to think, rain and snow are falling;

After walking for half a year, he left when Yangliu Yiyi came back, and now that he came back, heavy snow had covered the entire capital.

Jin Zijin rode to the door of the house, and the porter was sweeping the snow in front of the door with a shovel and broom.

They saw the tall horse parked in front of the door, and when they looked up, they saw the eldest prince covered in snowflakes.

They were so shocked that they rubbed their eyes several times before they could be sure that they were not mistaken.

But why did the First Prince come back like this?

A dusty look.

 Some of my favorite lines in Caiwei! !

(End of this chapter)

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