Chapter 1118 Bad arrangement
In the Nuan Pavilion, Jin Zijin had been revived after resting for an hour or two.

It was because Gu Youyou, who habitually slept for an hour or two during the day after pregnancy, did not wake up.

He turned his head and saw her sleeping soundly.

A neat nose, red cherry-like lips, and a little more flesh on the face than before. Although it is not as delicate as before, it is a little more simple and cute.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand and pinched her face, but Gu Youyou woke up without thinking.

She opened her sleepy eyes and said vaguely, "What time is it now, are you awake?"

Jin Zijin smiled dotingly and said, "If you still want to sleep, just sleep for a while."

Gu Youyou propped herself up, looked at the hourglass in the room, and estimated that it was noon.

Early in the morning, Jin Zijin came back, washed up, and took a nap, it was already noon.

No wonder she felt a little hungry.

Oh, by the way, he came back from the snowy day, and I don't know if he has eaten?

"Have you had breakfast?" Gu Youyou asked worriedly.

Jin Zijin hesitated for a while, and said, "I ate it. I ate it at the station."

In fact, he hadn't eaten for two or three days, so he took a few mouthfuls of hard pancakes when he was hungry.

Gu Youyou sat up and said, "It's time for lunch, so I won't sleep."

Thinking of Miss Du... Gu Youyou was a little embarrassed.

In the past few months, she has been eating at the same table with Miss Du, because they are two pregnant women, and the food they eat is different from other people. They eat pregnant women's meals.

It is easier for two pregnant women to eat together.

Gu Youyou got up, put on her clothes, and said: "Miss Du is at our house, I have to tell her that if I don't eat with her at noon, we won't go out, and we will eat in this warm pavilion."

"Why is Miss Du at our house?" Jin Zijin asked while getting dressed.

Gu Youyou paused for a moment, she really didn't know what to say about this matter.

Because she is really not sure how men in this world view unmarried and pregnant women. If such a woman is exposed, even if she is not buried, she will still be paraded in the streets and let the masses throw rotten eggs, right?

Although Jin Zijin wouldn't throw a few rotten eggs at Miss Du, she was afraid that he would look down on her, so what if she kicked her out?
The first battle in Xining was fought for six months, and the child in their womb was also seven months old.

Everyone is about to give birth.

She thought and thought, organized her words, and said: "Miss Du is in some trouble, she will stay at our house for a few more months, only me and the maids in the inner courtyard know about this matter, you can't drive her away Walk."

Jin Zijin frowned, disapproving of her approach.

This inner courtyard is the private space for the two of them, so it's fine if he hasn't come back, but now that he's back, how can he let an outsider live in the inner courtyard?

No matter how good the relationship between this outsider and Gu Youyou is.

He said: "Since she has difficulties and is your friend, I naturally won't drive her away. But it's inconvenient for her to live in our courtyard. There are so many courtyards in the mansion, so we can arrange another one for her."

Back then, Gu Youyou arranged Miss Du in her yard for safety and convenience.

Two pregnant women live together, so they can exchange a lot of parenting experience.

Since it's inconvenient now, it shouldn't be a problem to tell Miss Du that it's okay to change the yard.

It's just that she didn't ask Miss Du to change, but she brought Jin Zijin to change.

(End of this chapter)

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