Chapter 1123 Unwilling

Everyone knew that Yue Ruxue used Gu Youyou's sack back then, so Yi Qiuping seemed even more embarrassed.

Back in the room, Jin Zijin smiled and said, "Do you still remember the grudges from back then? Axue's temperament is much better than back then."

Gu Youyou said, "I'm stingy."

Yue Ruxue looked at Gu Youyou's eyes, how could Gu Youyou not feel it?
She is not reconciled!

But Gu Youyou doesn't care anymore, this is her own territory, and they are all married, what big waves can she make?

"How long will they stay?" Gu Youyou asked again.

There are still a few days before the New Year's Eve, and they will not be able to catch up with the New Year's Eve when they return to Lingnan. Gu Youyou reckons that this year will be very lively.

Sure enough, Jin Zijin told her: "They will not go back to Lingnan for the New Year this year, and the emperor will keep them in the capital for the New Year, staying in 'our home'."

He bit the word 'our family' more strongly, which made Gu Youyou smile bitterly.

What is she awkward about?Jin Zijin didn't like Yue Ruxue back then, can he still like her now?
It's just that Yue Ruxue still doesn't give up.

Yi Qiuping also seems to be a talented person. Compared with the white-faced scholar, he has more resolute temperament.Compared with the old men on the battlefield, they are more delicate.

From what he said just now, it can be seen that he treats Yue Ruxue well.

If she couldn't figure it out and wanted to get some moths out, she would be an extremely stupid person.

Jin Zijin didn't care what Yue Ruxue thought, and didn't notice her. He paid more attention to his wife.

He squatted down and touched Gu Youyou's stomach, which was something he had to do every day.

"Are you naughty today?" He asked with a smile.

Gu Youyou also quickly forgot about the 'old man' living in her home, and with a happy face, she touched her stomach with one hand, and the head on her stomach with the other, the soft hair.

She said: "The baby's fetal movement is already very ordinary. If you want to feel him, you should wait a little longer."


The little guy was very kind to his parents, so he quickly cooperated with his hands and feet.In the Snappers, they took off their heavy cotton coats and wore thin undershirts. They could even see the little feet kicked up by the children.

"He kicked me?" Jin Zijin was surprised.

Gu Youyou said: "He is very healthy, his arms and legs are very strong."

Regarding Gu Youyou as a pregnant woman, Jin Zijin is still very relieved.She is a doctor herself, and she knows what is best for herself and her children.

"Will it hurt?" Seeing the obvious bulge on his stomach, Jin Zijin frowned slightly again.

Gu Youyou said: "It doesn't hurt, the stomach is elastic."


Tonight was Yue Ruxue's first visit to the capital and her first day of staying in the capital.

For some reason, it was already late at night, but she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, she got up, put on thick clothes and walked to the yard.

This is the place where Jin Zijin lived. As for his identity, when she was very young, she vaguely heard from her parents, but they didn't make it so obvious, but she felt his identity His identity is not just that of a Taoist, but also other identities.

No matter what his status was, at that time she only fantasized that he would be hers in the future.

She was still young during the years when he lived in Lingnan, and she only remembered that there was a good-looking brother who lived in their house, and she didn't have a deep impression of him.

What got really deep was that her father told her to marry him when she grew up.

(End of this chapter)

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