Chapter 1129

Thinking of the gossip he heard before, how fierce Mrs. Lu was, he felt that Circe must have been bullied by Mrs. Lu, the mistress.

This man is really annoying.

"Madam Lu, may I ask Miss Lu what she did wrong to be kicked out of the house by your Lu family?"

King Jin began to protect his shortcomings, which made some ministers feel unhappy.

His own daughter married into Prince Jin's mansion, and half of the children hadn't been seen, so he started thinking about General Lu's daughter again.

Do you dare to think that General Lu is well-developed, so he doesn't take them seriously?

And this kind of thing, since the queen has spoken, how decent is it for you, a junior, to ask?How do people drive people out? That's their family business. Do I need to tell you?There is nothing left in this horoscope.

Mrs. Lu met King Jin's displeased gaze, and said: "This is a family matter of the Lu family. Your Highness King Jin, I have nothing to say."

Circe's mother and daughter are the pain of Mrs. Lu's life. If it hadn't been related to their mother and daughter, which made Mrs. Lu think of those angry and sad things, she would not have contradicted King Jin in front of the courtiers.

King Jin was in a hurry, and felt that this woman was hateful.

Bullying the concubine, dare to save his face in front of so many people?
"Bold, this king has long heard that you are a poisonous woman who is domineering and oppressing concubine daughters..."

"Xiao Ran, shut up." Before King Jin could finish speaking, he was scolded by the queen.

Seeing that he was getting more and more troublesome, the queen turned blue with anger.

The scene was getting weirder and weirder. Everyone looked left and right, and finally turned their eyes to the emperor who had been silent all this time.

But at this time, the eldest prince who never talked much on such occasions suddenly stood up, bowed to the emperor and said: "Father, my son feels that such a small matter should not be brought up on this big day."

After speaking, he sat back, and then it was time to eat and drink, as if the rest of the matter had nothing to do with him.

The emperor's eyes dimmed, and he nodded slightly, and said: "Yes, it's just Xiao Ran taking a concubine, how can you say it at such a time regardless of the occasion? Empress, I see that you are also tired, go back and rest .”

At this moment, Concubine Sheng helped the emperor to pick up dishes and put them into his bowl. From time to time, she even raised her head to look at the queen sitting at the next table, that smile was clearly provocative to the queen.

The queen's face was livid with anger, and she forced out a smile with difficulty, and nodded slightly to the emperor.

"The concubine stepped down, Your Majesty, please take it easy."

She glanced at Concubine Sheng, then smiled gently: "Sister Sheng, serve the emperor well."

One day, she will trample this woman under her feet and make her life worse than death.

In order for his son to have an heir, she endured it.

These years, for the sake of her son, she has been too tolerant.She was supposed to sit next to the emperor and accept the worship of all the officials, but every time this kind of banquet, that woman was next to him, and she set up another table alone.

She provoked her as if on purpose.

There is also Jin Zijin, who blocked everything she wanted to say in one sentence. She wanted to take this opportunity to talk about Jin Wang's concubine first, and then mention marrying two side concubines for Jin Zijin. Several concubines.

But he said a word, so that she didn't say a word of those words.

The queen smiled coldly, and if you can guard it for a while, let's see if you can guard it for a lifetime.

After escaping this time, she still has a chance to force people into your house.


(End of this chapter)

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