Chapter 1135 Accountability
After finishing speaking, he punched King Jin in the face with his fist, and that handsome face of King Jin was immediately bruised and purple.

Gu Youyou came out anyway, took a deep breath when she saw King Jin's miserable state, and said, "His Royal Highness, why are you doing this? King Xiang has a dream, and the goddess has no intentions. The twisted melon is not sweet."

King Jin endured the pain and shouted: "Well, I thought you didn't dare to come out. It's not all because of your good deeds, you forced Circe to marry a coachman, didn't you?"

"No." Gu Youyou immediately denied.

"Hmph, don't deny it, this king will know that you must have forced her."

"You think too much, I'm not that kind of person."

At this time, Circe came out wearing a red wedding dress, and she was speechless seeing this scene.

Seeing Circe coming out, King Jin was very excited, hurriedly called her name, and asked, "Cerci, tell me, did Gu Youyou force you to marry a coachman?"

Circe said lightly: "You think too much, I am willing."

King Jin didn't believe it, and said, "How is it possible? You are also the lady of General Lu's family anyway, how can you match a servant, or a coachman? Did Gu Youyou threaten you with something about you? Tell me honestly, This king will definitely make the decision for you."

Circe raised her forehead and said, "You really think too much. I'm not a lady from the Lu family. I'm just a doctor. There's nothing wrong with a doctor and a driver."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and left the courtyard without looking at King Jin again.

"Ah... Circe, don't go, tell me clearly, they must be threatening you, right?"

King Jin couldn't believe that he lost to a coachman.

King Jin's roar echoed throughout the courtyard.

Jin Zijin had someone take a cloth to gag King Jin's mouth before telling him to shut up.

Then someone took the rope to tie King Jin, and took him to the palace to meet the emperor.

After making such a fuss, the emperor who has always been very strict with King Jin will definitely not be able to spare him.


Not long after Nanny Li and the Queen reported the situation in the Eldest Prince's Mansion, news came that King Jin was beaten up by the Eldest Prince, then tied up and thrown in front of the Emperor.

When the queen heard this, why would she want to trouble Gu Youyou?He rushed to Qianqing Palace in a hurry.

King Jin knelt on the ground, his cheeks were swollen, which made it difficult for him to speak, and his mouth hurt when he opened his mouth.

Seeing the Queen coming, he could only look at her weeping helplessly.

The empress was so distressed that her heart was trembling. This was her son. From childhood to adulthood, no matter how angry he was, no matter how angry she was, she would never hit him like this.

But Xiao Qin'er, that son of a bitch, why would he dare to treat him like this?
The empress was so angry that she even forgot to salute the emperor, pointing directly at Jin Zijin and questioning: "What kind of outrageous thing did Xiao Ran commit, that you want to treat him like this?"

Jin Zijin said lightly: "He brought people into my mansion, and the two sides fought, and it was inevitable that there would be bumps and bumps. The guards in my mansion are not much better."

King Jin shook his head anxiously.

The queen was angry, she took a few steps back and pointed at him and said loudly: "Can those servants compare to my son? Those guards are so cheap, what does it matter if they are killed, how can they hurt King Jin?"

Jin Zijin said without changing his face: "The guards in my mansion didn't recognize him as King Jin. He led a group of people into my mansion. The guards thought it was a bold bandit who killed him and entered the door. They didn't kill him on the spot. He killed him, so he was lucky."

(End of this chapter)

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