Chapter 1137
She knew that her son had fallen in love with that female doctor, and she thought that for the sake of her grandson, she could accept his son letting her in as a concubine.

But I didn't expect such a trouble to come out.

Thinking about it this way, she was glad that the woman was not able to marry into Prince Jin's mansion. A person like Xiao Ran shouldn't fall in love with a woman. He should be like the emperor and use women all the time. Only in this way can he become emperor throne.

The queen wiped away her tears, took a deep breath, and reached out to help King Jin who was limp on the ground.

In order to achieve her goal, she can endure anything.

She agrees that King Jin did something wrong, but she doesn't think the emperor's punishment is right.

You can let him think about his mistakes behind closed doors in his own mansion, but you let him go to the middle school of the clan's mansion to learn the rules?What is this nonsense.

But fortunately, the emperor didn't intend to tear his face, and sent himself to supervise.


It's the end of the new year in a blink of an eye. To prevent accidents, Gu Youyou doesn't plan to go anywhere this year. He has prepared a New Year's gift, so it's fine for people to take it with relatives.

She wants to wait for the birth at home with peace of mind. Her belly is eight months old, and it is snowing heavily outside. If she is not careful, she may give birth early.

The Lin family, the grandmother, on the second day of the new year, still had people send gifts back to Gu Youyou, and said that they would come to see Gu Youyou in the eldest prince's mansion when the year was over.

On the third day of the new year, the Gu family came.

Huang Xiangwen brought Sanya over, but Dabao and Erbao were still busy, so they didn't come.

Erya and Shunzi's family lived in the capital, and they would come to see them when they were not busy. Today they knew that Huang Xiangwen would come from Jinxiu City, so they came too.

They sat together again, recalling that Gu Youyou and the members of the Gu family were at odds with each other many years ago, as if a century had passed.

If grandpa is still alive, he must be very pleased.

Huang Xiangwen gave some gifts, looking a little embarrassed.

"These things are some of my second aunt's wishes, and this bag was brought by Mrs. Shunzi. We know that you don't need anything, just a little thought, don't hold it against you."

Gu Youyou took the two packages of things and said with a light smile: "They are all gifts from the elders, so I naturally like them, so why would I dislike them. Second aunt, are you still used to living in Jinxiu City?"

Huang Xiangwen said: "It's a habit. It's just the Chinese New Year, and I can't go back to the village to offer incense to them. I came today to tell you that we plan to go back to Lianhua Village after the snow melts to see how the village is now. What happened, I have to offer incense sticks to your grandparents and second uncle."

Gu Youyou nodded, asked Xiangchun to bring some money out, and said: "It's not easy for me to go out of the capital now, so I can't go with you. Second aunt, you take these money and burn more Paper money. When you leave, ask someone to burn a letter for me, and I will ask the coachman in the house to take you there."

Huang Xiangwen pushed timidly again and again, and said: "No, no, we have our own money. Our family has received a lot of help from you, so we can no longer accept your money."

Gu Youyou said: "This is my heart for my grandparents and my second uncle."

Gu Youyou didn't take much money, so it wouldn't look too abrupt, Huang Xiangwen looked at it, and had no choice but to accept it.

After lunch, Gu Youyou sat with them and chatted. After going through many changes in the past few years, Huang Xiangwen had a lot of emotions and talked a lot.

She kept talking about the past, the present, and the future.

(End of this chapter)

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