Chapter 1139 Go to the Jin Palace
King Jin was previously shut down in the Clan Mansion because of the matter of the First Prince's Mansion. The Empress personally went to the Clan Mansion to supervise him, and the Emperor did not release him until the day before the Chinese New Year.

Everyone knows that he was imprisoned because of the eldest prince's affairs, but outsiders don't know exactly what happened.

Mrs. Lin took the opportunity to ask: "Yuyou, what's going on? The Guan Zong Mansion is not a trivial matter. This is the first time that the emperor punished Jin Wang Guan Zong's Mansion."

Gu Youyou sighed: "He used to feel a little uncomfortable. He went to Jishengtang to see a doctor, and then fell in love with the female doctor who treated him. Do you know this female doctor? It was Se who lived in our hospital before. West."

"Circe?" Mrs. Lin was very surprised.

Mrs. Lin still remembers Circe's unruly girl, this King Jin is really... heavy taste.

At the same time, she was a little angry.

King Jin has married many concubines, isn't he satisfied?She actually hooked up with a female doctor, and she was still that kind of unruly girl.

"And then?" she asked.

Gu Youyou said: "Cersi is a skilled and bold person, and she does everything according to her own preferences. She will not treat you nicely just because you are the King of Jin. No, Circe didn't like the King of Jin, on the contrary. I fell in love with a coachman hired by the mansion. Hearing that the queen intends to marry her to King Jin as a concubine, I hurriedly married the coachman. This angered King Jin, so I brought a group of people into the mansion. He came. Later, he was caught by Zijin and sent directly to the emperor, that's all."

Gu Youyou frowned.

Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Lin sighed unceasingly, they only thought that the Prince Jin was too careless in doing things, no matter what, you couldn't bring someone into the First Prince's Mansion, besides, it was because of a female doctor?
Mrs. Lin was startled, and asked a little puzzled: "No, I heard from your uncle that the queen wants to take a concubine for King Jin, but isn't that General Lu's daughter?"

Gu Youyou was also stunned, and hurriedly said: "Auntie, Youyou didn't tell you the truth before, that Circe is actually the daughter of General Lu, her original name is Lu Xueying."

"Ah...? Then why did General Lu's daughter become a doctor by your side?" Mrs. Lin was extremely surprised.

"Ah! Those things about the Lu family, Auntie, we don't want to talk lightly about other people's things. Anyway, she was beaten half to death by Madam Lu and thrown out."

What Gu Youyou said was half true and half false, the two Madam Lin understood.

They still know about Mrs. Lu's vicious reputation. She has always been good at dealing with General Lu's concubines and their daughters.

Thinking about it this way, Miss Lu is still a hard-working person, but it's a pity that she even has a driver.


Gu Youyou doesn't have many female guests here. Everyone knows that she is pregnant, so she shouldn't be too tired. Most of them just send her servants to give gifts.

There are more people on Jin Zijin's side. This is the first Chinese New Year since he returned, and there are piles of people who want to have a good relationship with him. I think the emperor prefers the eldest prince.

In comparison, the Jin Family Mansion is much colder.

Every time Mrs. Lin sees Lin Qianqing, she keeps losing weight. This time, she and Mrs. Lin went to see her in Prince Jin's mansion, because she didn't go back to her mother's house on the second day of the Lunar New Year, saying that Prince Jin was ill. .

Mrs. Lin can also understand, after all, King Jin was locked up.

What she didn't expect was that King Jin was sick and took out his anger on Lin Qianqing.

(End of this chapter)

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