Chapter 1144 Helping You Go Back to Life

By the way, Gu Yunxi told her about having a baby a few days ago?Seeing how sad Miss Du was, she still decided not to have children. If he dared to raise a child for her again, she would castrate him.

She didn't give birth all night, if it wasn't for Gu Youyou's professional delivery skills, she probably would have collapsed long ago.

In the morning, everyone watched Miss Du all night, and finally heard Gu Youyou's words that it was okay to have a baby.

Circe hurriedly put on the gloves to get a feel for the size, so that she could be prepared for the next time she delivered a baby.

"Work hard, come on, miss."

Cui Ya blushed, she seemed to be using more energy than Miss Du.

"It's like being constipated!"

Cui Ya succeeded in disgusting everyone.

But what she said made sense, and it was still such a way of life.

After another hour, the child finally came out with a head.

Circe gently lifted the child's head to let her continue giving birth. Cuiya was very happy and asked, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Circe said angrily: "Didn't you see that only a head was born? How do I know if it's a boy or a girl?"

Cui Ya said: "Why can't you tell? Look at my head, can't you tell if it's a man or a woman?"

"Go away, can a child be the same as an adult?"

I don't know if it was because of being tired all night, but Gu Youyou felt very tired.

She said: "Stop arguing, or let people live."

The baby was finally born, it took less than a day and a night, but it took nearly ten hours.

Miss Du gave birth to this child a lot, and she didn't even have the strength to ask whether it was a boy or a girl.

Cuiya took the child, pulled up the child's calf and looked at it, she was so happy that she almost jumped up, she said: "Miss, it's a son, a boy, alas, the master will die in peace, our Du family has a son. "

In her opinion, since the young lady has reconciled with the second son Xie, the child is naturally surnamed Du.

"Congratulations to Miss Du, you are blessed with a son."

Xiang Toon laughed and said: "After tossing all night, this young master must be like his father..."

Everyone looked at her, and Xiang Toon knew she had said something wrong, so she immediately shut up.

However, such a big happy event will not be covered up because of Xiang Toon's wrong words. Everyone soon forgot Xiang Toon's nonsensical words and continued to tease the newborn baby.

" me!" Miss Du said weakly.

Cuiya hurriedly carried the child over, Miss Du just glanced at it, and was too tired to open her eyes.

Gu Youyou ordered: "Let her sleep well, a good person is not enough to torment, let alone she gave birth for a day and a night. Miss Du, the child will always be by your side, you sleep first, wake up Take it easy."

Miss Du nodded slightly.

The child's crying was too loud, Gu Youyou frowned, and said: "Close the windows tightly, and don't let outsiders hear it."

Gu Youyou herself has always been in the feeling of having a special aura in her ears. She has already forgotten what normal people's hearing is like, and she doesn't know whether ordinary people can hear this child's cry.

But at this moment, she felt that her lower body was cold, and a large amount of amniotic fluid flowed out.

She secretly thought it was bad, she was about to give birth.

"Ah, Toon, I'm about to give birth too."

As soon as Gu Youyou finished speaking, everyone who had just relaxed became nervous again.

Seeing Miss Du lying on the only big bed, Circe said to Gu Youyou, "I'll help you go back and regenerate."

(End of this chapter)

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