Chapter 1161 Small Contradiction

"Master Xie, is he dead?" She suddenly stood up from the stool, but one of them lost her footing and fell to the ground again.

Miss Du got up again, clutching Mr. Xie's sleeve tightly.

Mr. Xie helped Miss Du up, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Why is this child so miserable? Finally, when he turned around, she couldn't let go of the grudge in her heart and insisted on leaving him.

When he finally let go of the grudge in his heart, that person could no longer be seen.

"Don't be sad, you still have a child to raise, it's his fate, if his fate is not good, he is doomed to be regretful all his life."

"No...he must have been hiding, he hates me for not forgiving him..."

Miss Du burst into tears, making all the bystanders want to cry.

It turned out that Miss Du's child belonged to Xie's family.

Their relationship hasn't completely broken down yet. To put it mildly, it's just that the young couple lost their temper.

Just say, Heli?Over the years, I have only heard of it but never seen it. It is also fake that Mr. Xie's son and daughter-in-law are making peace.

No one in the capital knows about the affairs of the adults.

After the Second Young Master Xie reconciled with Miss Du, he kept running towards Jinxiu City, and went to Manxiu Building to wait for a day. Miss Du never ignored him.

Those disgruntled wives in their boudoirs clapped their hands and applauded every day when they ignored this incident, saying that it would also let the heartless man taste what it was like to be rejected by others.

Well, now, I understand what the adults mean, but it is actually a misunderstanding.

But...the question is...didn't Second Master Xie die in the line of duty in Xining?
"He..." For a moment, Mr. Xie couldn't help but burst into tears.

Xie Zhonglin was his favorite child. From childhood to adulthood, everything favored him. Back then, he had to have a son go to the East China Sea. He had the heart to let the newly married eldest son go. He never said let the younger son go. Unexpectedly, he died in the war in the end.

"Xintong, dad didn't lie to you, he really went. Don't be sad, whether you go home or continue to stay in Manxiulou to do business, I will respect your choice."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and cupped his hands to the emperor: "No matter what happens to my Zhonglin and Xintong, I have always regarded her as my family. If it hadn't been for the fact that the eldest prince concubine sent someone to inform that my minister Xintong was in the eldest prince's mansion, he would have survived." I have a child, but I don't know that she is in the capital, I thought she went to the neighboring country to do business. As for the child, we are the ones who took care of the family, please don't embarrass her."


In the inner room, Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin were holding their newborn son and talking quietly, as if those people and things outside had nothing to do with them.

"I received a message from Ah Jing in the morning, saying that I found Master. I saw that you were still delivering the baby for Miss Du, and it was not easy to come in, so I didn't tell you."

"Then have you found your master?"

Jin Zijin shook his head and said, "No."

"Caught in a trick?" Gu Youyou felt that the Queen's arrival was too coincidental, which made people have to doubt it.

"Yes!" Jin Zijin said.

Gu Youyou sighed, and said, "Forget it, fortunately we are all fine."

"Yeah." He kissed her gently on the forehead.

The outside affairs have already been talked about. Miss Du's child is the seed of the Xie family. In the end, the emperor decided that it was a family matter of the Xie family, and the queen had nothing to say.

Gu Youyou heard that Miss Du's matter was almost settled, but she still stood up helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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