Chapter 1187 Block the door

"That's not right." Yue Rujing touched her chin in puzzlement and said, "Cersi said to take it once every half a month, I'm counting the time."

Jin Zijin thought for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said: "I heard Youyou said before that when a person's body takes a medicine for a long time, it will gradually develop antibodies to that medicine, and the medicine produced in her body It's going to get worse and worse..."

"Ah...?" Yue Rujing nodded, and said, "Then the medicine has passed, so..." Yue Rujing took a picture of her forehead and said, "Oh, this matter It's my fault, brother, what should we do now? This woman is very dangerous."

There was a sneer on the corner of Jin Zijin's lips, and he said, "No hurry, since she ran away, she will show up anyway, if I'm not wrong..."

He paused and suddenly changed the subject: "By the way, is all the evidence complete?"

Yue Rujing was used to Jin Zijin sometimes changing his painting style suddenly, he was only stunned for a moment before he understood which channel Jin Zijin had switched to.

He said: "That's all, I'll wait for you."

"En!" Jin Zijin nodded and said, "Go, give me all the things, and when Yoyo is out of confinement, we'll take care of it."

"Okay!" Thinking of Gu Youyou's confinement for a month, Yue Rujing frowned almost imperceptibly, and said: "There seems to be news of Yujizi in the south, brother, I know Mr. Gu is confinement." It's important, but you have to hurry up."

Jin Zijin paused, and said: "Everything has to be done one by one, I don't care if it succeeds or not."

Yue Rujing almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and said angrily: "Brothers are exhausted, you must not say that it is successful or not, you will die. It must be successful!"

Jin Zijin only smiled mysteriously, but did not answer his words.

Jin Zijin came back with what he needed.

Sure enough, I saw a strange woman at the gate, dressed in tatters, as if she had just escaped from prison.

And around her, surrounded by a bunch of people.

Strictly speaking, those people were watching the excitement around the gate of his mansion.

At this time, the woman was kneeling at the gate of her house.

Gu Youyou hid in the room angry and scared, scolding Yue Rujing all over her heart.

Can you be more careful in doing things?Actually let Song Lianjun come back, and even made the neighbors know about it.

Said that Gu Youyou was mean, actually sent her away, and made her a weak woman suffer inhuman torture, but fortunately she ran back desperately.

At this moment, people have blocked her door, and plan to use the power of public opinion to deal with her.

Gu Youyou was hesitating in the room whether to go out, but at this moment, Xiang Toon, who had gone out to inquire about news, came back.

"The eldest prince is back, we don't have to be afraid of her." Xiang Toon said excitedly.

"Come back so soon?" It seemed that Jin Zijin hadn't been away for long, Gu Youyou hurriedly said, "Let's go, let's go out and have a look."

Gu Youyou put on her coat indiscriminately and went out, Xiang Toon shouted from behind: "Wait, scarf, put the scarf on, you can't blow the wind."

Gu Youyou ran faster, so she had to wear a red cloth strip on her head, this weird confinement habit.

Outside the gate, Song Lianjun knelt in front of the door, saw Jin Zijin coming down, immediately knelt down in front of him, and said loudly: "Prince, you have to be the master of this concubine. Having been made things difficult by the eldest concubine, I didn't expect... I didn't expect that she would also collude with Prince Yue to get the concubine into the Sanqing Temple, and the concubine finally ran back."

(End of this chapter)

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