Chapter 1192 Make a decision
"No, you can't do this to me, Your Majesty, we've been married for more than 20 can't do this to me..."

The queen was still taken down even though she was making a lot of noise. After this incident, it is estimated that she will be ten or eight years older.

Only the emperor and Jin Zijin were left in the hall.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Jin Zijin suddenly said: "It's rare that you are so cruel, the love between husband and wife for more than 20 years!"

But he lived with his mother for just over two years.

But my mother paid for it all her life.

The emperor was startled, looking at Jin Zijin's sarcastic face, he sighed and said, "You have always had a deep prejudice against me."

"Heh!" The irony on Jin Zijin's face became stronger, he bowed his hands to him, and said, "Thank you!"

They have grown so much that in his eyes, he is not a father.

The emperor felt more and more that it was not because of his father that he came back to recognize his ancestors, but to use him to achieve a certain purpose.

For example, if he punished the queen today, he would say thank you to him!
Ironic when you think about it.

This time, the emperor will punish the queen, Jin Zijin is not surprised at all.

Because the Guogong Mansion fell out with the Zhang family, the Zhang family began to target the Guogong Mansion openly and secretly, and Prime Minister Zhang still wanted to give his youngest daughter to Jin Zijin, or King Qin, to seek the next partner .

At least from the present point of view, the loss of the Zhang family in the Duke's Mansion is equivalent to a broken arm.

So the emperor can make up his mind to deal with the queen once.

His emperor must be really useless, he must act according to the eyes of his courtiers from time to time.

This made Jin Zijin despise him very much.


The Queen's relegation to the court is no different from being thrown into the cold palace.

And even though she was still the queen, the phoenix seal was taken away, and the phoenix seal flew into Concubine Sheng's hands when she turned around, which made the queen vomit blood even more.

The reason given by the emperor was that she intended to murder the emperor's grandson, and the evidence was solid, no one dared to say anything.

Nanny Li followed her, and was the only palace slave who followed her.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad, that Jin Zijin is no better than ordinary people, the emperor has to take some Taoist influence into consideration.

Both the national teacher and the celestial teacher are missing. It can be said that the Taoist school is now in the hands of Jin Zijin. Don't you understand our emperor's temper?It's not a good thing for the servant girl to say, he just bullies the weak and fears the strong, we have become enemies with the Zhang family, and the Prince Jin's mansion has no heirs yet, so it's no wonder they didn't take the opportunity to step on us.

But don't worry, as long as our concubine Jin is pregnant, those who support us can feel at ease, and we will be able to leave Yeting soon. "

The emperor's actions and Li Nanny's words made the emperor firm in his decision.

Finding someone to borrow seeds is indeed a shameful thing to throw at grandma's house.

But for King Jin, she had to do this.

It was because the king of Qin and the first prince were trampled on at the end of the childbirth. If it was revealed that the king of Jin really couldn't have a child, then they would really be doomed.

The queen grabbed Nanny Li's hand, and said in a panic, "You find a way to send a message to the old man, I have to see him, I must see him."

The matter of Prince Jin's heir can't wait any longer.


Duke's Fuchu
I don't know how many times the queen returned to her mother's house after marrying into the royal family, and she has never been so embarrassed like this time.

She did not go back to the Duke's Mansion in a fancy dress with much fanfare, but dressed very plainly, like an ordinary old woman, and secretly entered the Duke's Mansion with Mother Li through the small corner gate.

(End of this chapter)

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