Chapter 1194 is too absurd

"What do you mean?" It's rare that the old fox couldn't understand it.

The queen said: "Let's not talk about Xiao Ran's brother, there is nothing we can do. Right now... we can only borrow the seed from the Duke's Mansion, at least he has some blood relationship with Xiao Ran, so I came to find my grandfather..."

"Ridiculous!" Duke Protector said angrily after hearing this: "Borrowing seeds? How can you let Xiao Ran accept this kind of thing? He is a man! You are his mother."

The queen cried again, and said: "I have no other choice. Either I don't give birth, or I can only borrow a seed. I can also steal a wild child and bring it back. Grandfather, do you want us all to fight for a wild child?" ?"

After all, the best way is to borrow seeds.

The Lord Protector sighed and closed his eyes.

"Yu Shu, the family has tried their best to support you. As long as it is your request, if it can be done, the whole family will spare no effort to do it. If it can't be done, the whole family wants to break their heads, no matter what. Whether it is tears or blood, I will do it for you. Your younger brothers and sisters, your nephews and nieces, their marriages are all for you. How to treat you well, you can arrange your own life. The whole family has paid so much for you. Do you understand everything?"

The queen kept sobbing in a low voice, and upon hearing this, she just covered her mouth with a veil and nodded while sobbing.

Duke Hu opened his eyes to look at her, then closed them again, and said, "It's good that you understand, our whole family is on your shoulders, this time, although it's embarrassing for the family, as long as I give you a hand The old bones are still there, no matter how much pressure you are under, they will make it for you."

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out of the yard, and the queen heard his orders in the house.

"Go and call Jin Wei."

Following the order of the old man at home, the servants always ran very fast, and soon a tall and handsome young man came. No matter in figure or facial features, he was somewhat similar to King Jin. The only difference was his eyes.

He has a pair of peach blossom eyes, and when he smiles, he has a different style.

Seeing that the old woman in the room was actually the queen, he was obviously very shocked, and quickly put away his joking expression and became serious.

"Meet the Empress."

The queen wiped away her tears and sat up, but no matter how dignified she was sitting at this time, she looked a bit embarrassed.

Duke Hu waved his hands and said, "Get up quickly, the queen is going out of the palace in a modest suit today, you can just call me aunt."

Jin Wei was surprised, everyone knew that the queen was imprisoned in the court!
Judging from this, most of them ran out secretly.

Is that what you went home to complain about?
He couldn't help crying out in pain, since he was called, then most of the suffering had to be endured by himself.

"Great-grandfather, aunt, why are you calling Jin Weilai...?"

It made Jin Wei feel uneasy, the more serious they were, the more he felt the urge to run away.

This kind of thing is often difficult to see. Seeing the queen's embarrassment, Duke Hu sighed: "You go out first, I will tell him."

The queen nodded, and walked out of the study with some staggering steps.

Seeing this scene, Jin Wei became more and more flustered.

What the hell happened to him?
The queen stood in the courtyard, feeling uneasy in her heart.

After an unknown amount of time, a young man's furious voice came from the room.

"Impossible, absurd, too absurd!"

Yeah, this thing is ridiculous.

(End of this chapter)

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