Chapter 1196 Chic green hat
"Boss Gu, what does the greenhouse look like? The glass is fragile, won't it collapse easily?"

Gu Youyou asked Xiang Toon to pass on her drawings of glass greenhouses to all the bosses, saying: "The wooden house we live in needs to be repaired regularly, just like the glass house. Don't worry, everyone, just check regularly and pay attention to maintenance , it will be fine. Let’s take a look first, I have drawn a few drawings of the greenhouse.”

Everyone excitedly accepted the drawings sent by Gu Youyou, and the beautiful houses immediately attracted their attention.

It was snowing heavily outside the house, and various flowers that only bloomed in spring were blooming inside the house, and in that house, a woman in thin clothes was bowing her head to water those flowers.

Such a picture is pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it.

"Okay, I want one!" Immediately, the boss expressed his opinion.

Gu Youyou nodded with a smile, and said: "Okay, then the first one will be made at Boss Qu's house, and Boss Qu will definitely remember to hold a flower viewing banquet, and invite all the celebrities in the capital to make it for our glass greenhouse." a live ad.”

"Haha, definitely!"

I regret that I didn't win the first place, why didn't I go faster.


The first woman they arranged for Jin Wei was the young lady from the Zuo family who was not poisoned and kept a low profile.

All the other women in the yard were poisoned, and she was the most suitable person to be the first to conceive and to stop Youyou's mouth.

The ridiculous thing is that not long ago, he also gave King Jin a woman. That woman was still young and was sold by the queen.

Fortunately, it was sold, otherwise it would be embarrassing to meet her?
Mrs. Zuo entered the mansion together with the four concubines. Since she did not fight or grab, she always found reasons to avoid King Jin, so she was the only virgin wife in the mansion of King Jin.

King Jin knew that such a day would come sooner or later, but he seemed very calm.

After drinking some wine, he fell asleep in the study.

There are servants who will arrange everything for them, and he can just wait for the cuckold.

Oh no, he still wants to sneak into Mrs. Zuo's room before dawn, making people think that the man last night was him.

That's why his green hat is very chic.

Jin Wei wore night clothes and followed the queen and the cronies of Prince Jin into the Prince Jin's residence, and went straight to Mrs. Zuo's courtyard.

They had arranged it long ago, so there would be no accidents along the way, and he arrived at the remote yard in the corner very smoothly.

At this time, all the masters and servants in the yard had already fallen asleep, and the cronies were a board member. After lighting the sleeping places for several night watchmen, he was allowed to enter Madam Zuo's room smoothly.

"My lord, don't let Madam Zuo find out that you are not His Royal Highness King Jin. Be careful."

"Well, I know." Jin Wei nodded slightly.

Women have been contaminated, but he doesn't have his own wife yet, and he never thought that such a thing would happen to him one day.

But his education from childhood to everyone is that the family is the most important thing, as long as it is beneficial to the family, they can sacrifice at any time.

Thinking of this, he felt that this was not a grievance. Compared with those brothers and sisters who lost their lives, he was considered lucky.

Great-grandfather was right. In this matter, the most wronged one was King Jin.

He has a good relationship with Jin Wang, so good that even if they give each other women, the relationship is good.

But after tonight, the relationship between him and King Jin has also come to an end.

He could even imagine what would be the first thing to do if King Jin came to the throne in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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