Chapter 1203
Lu Liu was startled and frightened, her voice trembling slightly.

"Princess, why are you here? Are you..." She thought that the concubine was not pregnant yet, so how could she allow other concubines to get pregnant first? Could it be that the concubine was actually the one who wanted to kill their wives.

She was so frightened that her legs became weak, and she hurriedly said: "Princess, please spare our wife, our wife has no intention of competing for favor."

Lin Qianqing glanced at Luliu lightly, and the other maidservants who rushed over after hearing the sound gave orders.

"Go get the imperial physician, Mrs. Zuo is not feeling well!"

You just came here and don't know what's going on.But they didn't dare not listen to Wang Hao's words, and soon someone went to ask for a doctor.

As for the maid, Luliu... just like what the wives said just now, a villain will succeed.

With her temperament, she will only blackmail her master.

"Princess, servant girl... we..." Lu Liu stammered and wanted to say something, but Lin Qianqing just said flatly: "If I want to harm your wife, there are many ways to do it, and I don't need to do it myself."

Soon the imperial physician came, and since the poisoning incident occurred in Prince Jin's mansion, there has been an imperial physician living here for a long time.

Mrs. Zuo has recovered and drank some water. She is much better.

The imperial physician smiled after taking her pulse, and said to Lin Qianqing: "Congratulations, princess, congratulations to Mrs. Zuo, Mrs. Zuo is pregnant, and His Royal Highness Prince Jin has a concubine."

Madam Zuo and her maidservants were naturally very happy. She wanted to hide in this humble corner for the rest of her life, but she never thought that God would give her such an opportunity!
Really God has eyes, and finally saw her.

"Emperor doctor, really...really?" Mrs. Zuo said excitedly.

The imperial physician said with a smile: "Of course it is true, the old man is sure about the happy pulse."

Lu Liu sneaked a glance at Lin Qianqing to see her reaction.

But she didn't want to, Lin Qianqing was as happy as Mrs. Zuo, she said: "Quickly, go and tell the lord the good news, and make him happy too. Ah, by the way, if you think this yard is too remote, I can Get a good one for you."

Madam Zuo was flattered, waved her hand and said: "No... no, I'm used to living here, it's pretty good."

She stretched out her hand to stroke her belly, and she really felt at ease.

It's been a long time since she felt at ease. With this child, there will always be a place for her in this deep house.

The news quickly spread to King Jin's ears. Everyone thought that King Jin would jump up happily and immediately go to see Mrs. Zuo.

Unexpectedly, he only let out a faint oh, and then asked someone to bring the best wine he treasured to the wine cellar, and drank a lot of ether to get drunk.

Everyone thought he was crazy happy, after all, everyone's happy way is different, so they didn't care too much.

At night, Jin Wei came to Mrs. Zuo's yard as usual. Mrs. Zuo tonight was different from the past. He went to bed in the dark as usual, and then gently teased her. After she fell in love, he launched a strong offensive against her .

But Madam Zuo refused tonight, knowing that he didn't like to talk at such a time, she didn't say anything, but tonight she still made an exception to talk.

"My lord, be careful with our children, don't want tonight..."

Jin Wei was stunned for a long while before he could react.

child?Already have a child?
His task is to sow seeds. Now that she is pregnant with a child, does it mean that he will not be needed in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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