It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1208 Lin Qianqing must be pregnant

Chapter 1208 Lin Qianqing must be pregnant

The lame beggar hid behind the big tree with a brocade box in his hand, his eyes tightly closed.

Tears dawdled his face, and it took him a long time before he had the strength to stand up again.

He ate most of the food in the brocade box, pulled the rag strips on his body, tied the box to his body, and hid it in his worn clothes.

He knew very well that if other beggars saw such a box, they would definitely snatch it away and send it to the pawn shop for broken silver.

It was given by her, and it was the only thing on him that carried her breath.

After doing all of this, he reached Du Wanqing's grave with a cane.

The bouquet of flowers in front of the tomb has been torn to pieces by the beggars, and some of them picked leaves and put them on their heads, enjoying themselves.

The crippled beggar picked up the broken flower branches on the ground, tidied them up reluctantly, and put them back in front of the grave.

He said to the tombstone in a low hoarse voice: "promise is really easy to say, but hard to take back. You see, you have a limped leg and a broken arm, and I have a limped leg too, and I lost an arm." It's just an arm. You are freed, go and have a good life. Be a good person in the next life, and never meet me again!"


A lady in Jinwang's mansion had already reported that she was pregnant, and the imperial physician testified that Madam Zuo's belly was growing day by day, and the rumor of Jinwang's infertility was no longer heard.

At the same time, the poison in the bodies of the poisoned women was also detoxified. Gu Youyou has personally seen that they can be pregnant.

Then the problem came out, it is definitely not possible to have an only child with an identity like King Jin, and with their identities, it is natural that the more the better.

Especially the pregnant Mrs. Zuo's status is low, if it is not really helpless, then the eldest son will definitely not be able to crawl out of her stomach.

Now that everyone can conceive, naturally competition has also come.

Everyone rushed to go to King Jin to show off and seduce him, but King Jin didn't know what was going on, and now he stayed in the study every night and didn't go anywhere.

Lin Qianqing stood up and scolded all those women back, thinking: She would be annoyed by seeing them like this, let alone a man.

Too noisy.

"Go back and wait. Naturally, I won't lose you when it's your turn."

Lin Qianqing scolded Yingying Yanyan's women back, and turned to look at King Jin in the study.

He was very strange recently, and Lin Qianqing felt that something might have happened to him.

She opened her mouth to ask, but seeing that he didn't look back, she swallowed the words back.

She backed out and closed the study door.

"Go ahead, the prince is in a bad mood these days, and he doesn't want to see anyone. No one is allowed to disturb him, especially the women in the backyard."

She called in some more guards to watch over him, seeing King Jin's appearance, as if something had really happened.

Soon someone came to the palace, and the person who came was Nanny Li, whom the queen trusted most.

She asked to see King Jin, but naturally no one dared to stop her.

"His Royal Highness, do you understand what the empress means?"

She came today mainly to tell Prince Jin that he still has to wear his green hat, and that Madam Zuo is definitely not allowed to be pregnant. She is the young lady of the Duke's Mansion, and she also has the blood of the Duke's Mansion.

Only the child born to her and Jin Wei is the most qualified to become the emperor of Zhuzhao Kingdom.

Jin Wang has been silent, Li Nanny had to repeatedly emphasize to him.

(End of this chapter)

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