It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1219 Let's give the deer antler and tiger whip

Chapter 1219 Let's give the deer antler and tiger whip
Xiao Jinyan went to see Jin Wei with the intention of joking, so not only would he not appear to be born out of place, but he was also very enthusiastic.

"Hey, who's the young master here, long time no see, why...why do you look listless?"

Seeing Xiao Jinyan's playful face, Jin Wei's face darkened suddenly.

Before he could say anything, Xiao Jinyan approached him again with a playful smile, and said in a low voice, "You must have been to Yanliu Lane too much, if your kidney deficiency is unbearable, I'll send some deer antler and tiger penis to your house tomorrow." Come on, I guarantee that you will not fall with the ten female spears at night."

Although his voice is not loud, there are quite a lot of people in this teahouse, and these two young people are well-known romantic figures in the capital, and they are the type who bring their own halo wherever they go, so there are still a few tea friends who are close heard it.

Hearing Xiao Jinyan's joke, everyone immediately laughed.

Of course, everyone just thought Xiao Jinyan was joking, and just smiled.

Who would have thought that after hearing this, Jin Wei would immediately stand up like a rooster with fried hair.He grabbed Xiao Jinyan's collar and said angrily, "What did you say?"

No one expected that Jin Wei would take this joke seriously and even explode, the laughter stopped abruptly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

To say that Jin Wei is not a person who can't take jokes?What's the matter today?
Xiao Jinyan naturally knew why he blew up, but he couldn't show it. He could only pretend to be innocent and said with a silly smile: "Brother Wei, what are you doing? Let's talk about it, brother, I'm just Just kidding."

Jin Wei reacted, and immediately let go of Xiao Jinyan's collar.

Yes, it was just talking, but he took it seriously.

No, it was about his sore spot.

"Don't make this kind of joke, it's not funny at all!" Jin Wei said after being taken aback for a moment.

Xiao Jinyan looked concerned, and asked: "What's the matter? I don't think your complexion is right. If you are sick, you have to treat it early. You are young, don't fall into the root cause of the disease."

Jin Wei opened his hand and said, "I'm fine, let's go upstairs."

No matter what the purpose is, whether it is Xiao Jinyan getting close to Jin Wei for the Xiao family, or Jin Wei getting close to Xiao Jinyan for the Duke's mansion, they do have a good relationship on the surface, sitting together drinking and drinking tea, and strolling around the Yanliu together Lane, it's not just once or twice.

Seeing Jin Wei's appearance, Xiao Jinyan felt a bit of sympathy.

He said: "Aside from the Duke's Mansion and the Grand Master's Mansion, we two have a good relationship in private. If you want to think about it, just say it. Maybe I can help you brother."

He could see that Jin Wei's cuckolding King Jin was not a matter of your own will. Looking at his dead mother's face, he knew that he had no choice but to do so.

But at the same time, he also knew that it was impossible for Jin Wei to tell him such a thing, nor could he.

Jin Weichang sighed, and after a long silence, he said, "You'd better bring me the velvet antler and tiger penis from your house, I have a weak kidney."

Xiao Jinyan: "..."

He was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, he looked at him sympathetically, patted his shoulder, and looked sloppy.

"Sure, I'll get someone to send it to you later. You have to have a certain limit when you are full of warmth and thoughtfulness, as long as you have an idea in mind."

Jin Wei could only shake his head with a wry smile, knowing what?He has a number in his heart, but others don't.

The fault was that he cast the wrong fetus.


(End of this chapter)

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