Chapter 1227 Find the beggar
Miss Du nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

Cui Ya sighed, with a look of sympathy on her face.

She said: "The winter in the north is cold, and many beggars can't survive a winter. They either starve to death or freeze to death. A beggar who is in good health may not survive a winter, let alone a disabled one. He lacks an arm and a leg. It’s not good, and he’s been squeezed out by other beggars. It’s not easy for him to live in the city for a few months. Miss, you’d better not ask, I guess he’s already... hey, miss, where are you going..."

Before Cuiya could finish her chatter, Miss Du had already put on a thick cloak and went downstairs.

The beggar is dead?

Why did she feel inexplicably sad when she heard the news?
It was a strange beggar, timid, always avoiding people.

She will send him some food regularly, and as the weather gets colder, she will also send him some winter clothes.

She didn't dare to approach him, only dared to take a look from a distance occasionally to see if he was still alive.

Because if you approach him, he will run and look very scared.

Miss Du walked out of the Manxiu Building with a cloak in her hand, stepping on the snow with deep and shallow feet, and found the dilapidated house.

It was the most remote corner of the city, a dilapidated house in a slum, where the poorest people lived in Jinxiu, and of course, beggars.

It seemed so abrupt that someone like Miss Du appeared here.

Fortunately, Manxiulou was giving out porridge today, and the poor and beggars went to have a full meal, but it seemed very quiet here, and no one saw her.

In the dilapidated house, Miss Du saw a shivering person.

He crouched in a corner, curling up into a ball.

Miss Du breathed a sigh of relief, it's good that he is still alive, but I don't know why he didn't go to receive the porridge donated by Manxiulou.

She approached him cautiously, for fear of scaring him again.

Perhaps because of being cold and hungry, his sense of surprise also decreased, and he didn't notice anyone approaching.

Miss Du put the thick cloak in her hand on him.

The trembling man leaning against the wall immediately stiffened and raised his head.

A dirty face with only one eye showing through the hair.

He was so shocked to see Miss Du that he forgot to act for a moment.

When he reacted, he found that his leg was in terrible pain and he couldn't stand up no matter what.

Miss Du hurriedly pressed him down, and said: "Don't get up, I don't mean anything malicious, I just came to see you. Today, Manxiu Lou gave porridge, why didn't you go?"

"I..." He struggled to speak out. He hadn't spoken for a long time, and his voice was very hoarse.

He said: "My leg hurts, and I don't know where the crutches go, I can't go!"

This was the first time Miss Du heard him speak. Although his voice was hoarse, he spoke clearly every sentence.There seemed to be endless vicissitudes in that hoarse voice.

From the first time she saw him, she felt that he was not an ordinary beggar.

It is difficult to say such words calmly, he really is not an ordinary beggar.

Miss Du paused beside him and asked him patiently: "Where are you from? How did you become like this?"

The beggar glanced at her, then quickly lowered his head, "I... I used to be a soldier, but I broke my arm and my leg in the war, so I can only be a beggar."

(End of this chapter)

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