Chapter 1236 Ask him for help
King Jin didn't deny it, but gritted his teeth and nodded.

Gu Youyou said: "Forget it, I'll tell you here. If you want, you can come to me at any time. This is what my cousin meant. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't take you as a patient even if I don't want medical ethics."

Gu Youyou is such a person, she has clear grievances and grievances, which makes King Jin feel admiration.


Jin Zijin came back earlier this evening, Gu Youyou told him about the past two days, Jin Fengzhao came to find him, and after hearing it, he didn't know what would happen.

"She has had a hard time living in the General's Mansion for the past two years. Xiao Jinfei didn't like her at all, and even hated her a little. He kept her just to look at her poorly."

Gu Youyou didn't deny it, and said: "She is quite pitiful now. Everyone says that it is easy to go from simple to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to simple. She fell from a high place and was trampled everywhere. It must be a difficult day. "

"Well, I'll stay and meet her tomorrow to see what's important about her."

Jin Fengzhao came to the First Prince's Mansion early, just like the previous two days.

Today she met Jin Zijin as she wished. This was the first time she saw someone who had changed her identity since she was a child. It was at this moment when she saw him that she truly felt the difference between cloud and mud.

She sighed a little, and said: "You really look like the emperor, I'm a fake, I shouldn't be acquainted with anyone."

Although Gu Youyou has never met Xiao Xin'er in person, she has seen her portrait at Yuehou Lord's place, and even painted her personally. From this point of view, Jin Fengzhao really looks like no one.

"What are you looking for?" Jin Zijin said lightly, pursing his lips.

Jin Fengzhao bit his lip and said in a low voice: "I want to ask you for help with something, and I will tell you something by the way, maybe it will help you."

"Oh?" Jin Zijin raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter?"

Jin Fengzhao said: "I know you have been looking for the person who replaced us back then, and my words may be of some help to you."

"You said."

"Actually, before entering the palace, I had some memories. I vaguely remembered that my family's surname was Han, and my father was very fat, and would often beat and scold us. I was probably sold by them. The one who took me away was the nanny who was by my side back then. .”

"That's all?" Jin Zijin asked.

Jin Fengzhao nodded timidly and said, "That's all I can remember."

"Then what do you want me to do for you?"

Jin Fengzhao sighed: "In my life, I have been lucky compared to ordinary people. No matter what, I have been the eldest princess for more than 30 years, and I have enjoyed the glory and wealth for more than 30 years. From the high princess to the dust, I might not be reconciled at first, but now I have figured it out. If it shouldn't be yours, it shouldn't be yours.

It is said that fallen leaves return to their roots. If there is anything I am not reconciled to now, it is that I have not been able to find my source.I want to ask them why they sent me out, and I want to meet them. "

Jin Fengzhao, who thinks clearly, is really sympathetic. She is an ordinary commoner. If Mingyuan hadn't allowed her to enter the palace and become a princess, maybe she is just an ordinary woman today, living an ordinary life with husband and child. life.

Although she is not as rich and luxurious as the princess, she must be happier than she is now.

Gu Youyou looked at the silent Jin Zijin, and helped him finish the conversation.

"We will try our best to help you find your family members, but it has been so many years, so we may not be able to find them."

(End of this chapter)

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